Chapter 1

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I grudgingly woke up from my bed and pushed my brown hair from in front of my face and rubbed my tired blue eyes. I swung my legs over the bed and stood but I didn't make a step because my feet gave in and I fell flat on my face.

I pushed up on my hands and crawled over to the bathroom. I crawled all the way to the shower, hoping the warm water would awaken my slumbering feet. I crawled into the shower and turned on the water letting the warm water roll over my body and my hair.

"Liz?" I heard Kelly yell my name. I internally groaned and turned off the shower. I pulled my towel around my petite body and walked into my room, only to find Kelly, Lia and Stacy staring at me wide eyed as though I just crawled out a container of toxic waste.

"What is wrong with you guys?" I asked them walking over to my dresser to look for clothes to wear on this hot summer day. I pulled out my bra and underwear and a tank top and a shorts.

"Hurry up. You're going to miss it!" Stacy said pushing me into my bathroom to quickly get dress.

"Miss what?" I asked scrunching up my nose in confusion.

"Don't spoil the surprise Stace, she'll find out soon enough." Kelly said ushering me forward with her hands. I put up my hands in mock surrender and walked into my bathroom and quickly got dress, not bothering to comb my wet hair only bothering to brush my teeth.

"I'm ready." I said walking out the bathroom and towards my bedroom door quickly into the hallway and into the living room.

Instantly I saw what all the fuss was about. For the first time in the eight years since my friends and I have been coming here I saw neighbors by the other cabin a few blocks from ours. I couldn't believe my eyes and what made it worst was that I recognized one of our new neighbors.

I turned and walked outside, the breeze blowing my wet hair in my face. I stood a good distance away, staring daggers into his back hoping that he would just drop down and stop showing up in my life.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and jumped five feet in the air.

"Woah, Liz relax." Kelly said taking her hand off my shoulder.

"Elizabeth, I little warning would have been nice." Lia said folding her arms across her chest and narrowing her eyes at me.

At the sound of my name, I saw my worst nightmare turn and looked at me. When I met his eyes, his blue eyes saw right into me and they held me captive. His brown hair blowing in the wind and he took a few steps towards me and I stood glued to the spot, staring him down. I didn't move a muscle not even when Kelly and Stacy started whispering frantically behind me about just how good looking he actually was.

"Elizabeth." he breathed out when he was standing just in front of me.

"Do I know you?" I asked trying my best to hide the disgust on my face.

"It's me, Nikolai." he said pointing at himself. He looked at me hopefully expecting me to recognize him.

"I'm sorry I don't know you." I said softly and turned to walk back into the house. I didn't feel bad for what I did, he did me almost the same thing three years ago, why should I forgive him. What made me felt bad was the breaking look on his face as I told him I don't know him.

"Liz, who is the hot British guy who you don't know?" Stacy asked running in after me.

"No, I don't know him and I would like to keep it that way." I said walking out the entry and into the kitchen. The fresh Jersey air blew through the window and I inhaled deeply. I grabbed a bowl and spoon and went to sit at the kitchen island where the cereal and milk was already out.

"Liz, he obviously does. What are you not saying?" she asked, her blonde hair blowing with the breeze. I bit on my lip nervously; the girls don't need to know, do they?

"Stace, this is ridiculous, he's probably mistaken me for..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as there was a massive earthquake. Stacy and I exchanged glances and scrambled under the table, hugging each other. I heard plates fall and break and glass and the ear splitting sound of a house collapsing. I feared for the worst.

"Liz and Stace? You okay?" I heard Kelly say as her footsteps became heard through the house.

"We're good." I said coming out from under the table. I looked around and then at my friends, "No damage." I said with a smile.

"Actually, the cabin next door collapsed." Lia said quietly.

" So what!" I almost yelled.

"We can't leave them out there, that will be mean. They should stay with us." Kelly said enthusiastically, just like that my summer ruined.

I was going to spend three months with my worst enemy. Dear Lord please give me pneumonia and make me have to leave I prayed before I followed my friends outside. If he was here, my secret might just be out.


Please tell me what you think, ur opinion matters.
Pic of Kelly :)

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