Chapter 16

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I angrily bucked and growled at Anthony for him to get off of me. I have to say that my angel didn't like being called a weapon and frankly neither did I. Garret had that slap coming, he was really looking for it. I doubted my ability to take him down but something in me snapped and I just slapped him. Breaking my bathroom door was a price I was willing to pay. Anthony had grabbed him by his neck and pushed him back after he tried to lounge after me. I have to say my mate was in deed handy. My father had taken Garret out the room to 'talk' to him about his word choice and Lia stared at me. My mother sat on the bed and she was stroking my hair which did nothing really. I eventually stopped bucking and struggling and just looked at Anthony.

"Are you calm?" He asked. No emotion on his face.

"No. But I won't do anything irrational." I said to him. He huffed but released me. He got off the bed and stood to it's side and stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"Elizabeth. what the hell is wrong with you. You can be so bloody insensitive sometimes. Jeez." Lia said and I stared at her for a stunned second. She never spoke to me, scratch that she never shouted at me. I looked at her blankly.

"I know you may be omnipotent but she is still the future queen, you will show her respect." My mother said and stood from my bed. Her shoulders squared and her blue eyes hard and pointed at Liz. I sat up and rubbed my neck. Lia looked taken aback but she blinked rapidly then her eyes softened.

"Of course. Apologies Princess." She said, bitterness in her voice. It sounded so foreign being called my formal title.

"Lia..." I began but she gave me a glare and I stopped talking. What the hell?

"We need to see Stacy and Kelly." She said and turned to go. I stood from off my bed and she looked me up and down. "Your attire is not fit for a Princess." She said instead. I looked down at the simple peach dress I wore and frowned, I had been wearing jeans and a t-shirt before I came to Drexel. I groaned as I remembered the strict palace rules.

"It'll have to do." I said and walked out my bedroom. I stood in the hallway and it felt so strange standing here after more than a decade of being away. It hadn't changed much, same stone walls and carpeted floors. Various tapestries hanging from the walls with a picture of some dead queen every so often. I rolled my eyes as I realised how this castle would pass easily for one in Scotland or Ireland.

Lia came into the hallway and made a left, heading down the steps and I followed after her trying not to notice much, I did notice however, the few maids we passed bowing their heads in respect at us. I followed in silence and the four of us walked without as much as a word muttered among us. We walked in silence for five more minutes along the second floor of the palace until she stopped outside a door. She knocked once and then opened it.

We walked in and by the door stood a guard and on each of the double beds in the room sat a worried Stacy and a very upset Kelly. As they noticed us they stood from the bed and ran towards us. I hugged them tightly, giving the guard a very bad cut eye as he looked as though he was going to tell them something. I pulled back and Stacy slapped my arm and scowled at me.

"You twit. I've been worried about you." She said and folded her arms. Her blonde hair in a messy bun.

"Next time, try not to get shoot please. Nikolai was worried about you." Kelly said. I looked at her for a second and pursed my lips. He was fully aware that I had a mate (who I have yet to accept). He should leave me alone. I was about to say something when Stacy spoke up first.

"How the hell could you not tell us you are a bloody Princess? Do you have any idea how important you are?" I looked at her as she said that.

"Stacy, what's it to you? Aren't you human." I said to her. I had told them I was special. Kelly was the one who figured out I was demon and she said she'd keep it from Stacy and well LIa knew as well.

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