Chapter 33

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Elizabeth turned to look at Nikolai. The boy stared at her and she she stood, slowly putting Anthony's head on the ground and she stalked towards the boy, her footsteps slow and measured. Her tears trickled down her face and fell like boulders to the stone floor covered with blood. He took a slow step back, suddenly afraid of the hybrid before him.

"They say the people to fear are those who have nothing to lose." Elizabeth said slowly. Her voice hoarse and her words bounced off the walls in the cell. Kathlyn shook and Thomas pulled her closer to him. He didn't know what this strange creature was capable of and he wouldn't want anything to happen to his mate. "Why?" Elizabeth asked the demon boy as she stalked after him.

"He had to go." was all Nikolai said and Elizabeth couldn't bare to hear the words. She opened her eyes and the fierce power she felt went all out as she lounged for Nikolai and with one swift movement swiped her claws against the boys neck and he dropped. Nikolai didn't expect Elizabeth to move so fast and attack him. He didn't expect her to lounge at him and behead him with her claws. Elizabeth watched as Nikolais head dropped to the ground after his body and she scanned the room quickly.

"Thomas and Kathlyn, you should get out of here." She said her eyes falling on her mate and she moved forward. She sank to her  knees next to the man she was in love with and gently touched his forehead. His skin had already begun turning cold and the floor where she knelt was covered in his blood. Thomas and Kathlyn scampered to their feet and moved to the entrance of the cell.

"My deepest apologies Elizabeth, for I am sorry such a fate has befallen you." Kathlyn said  and embraced her mate and together they walked out of the cell. Elizabeths' tears fell harder at Kathlyn's words. What a tragic fate had befallen her. She carried her hands below her mate and with much effort, raised his body off the floor and carried him out of the cell. She heard the steps of someone following behind her, but she didn't have the heart to tell the person anything. 

"Take a right. It would lead you to the ground above." Luca, the second in command said and she obeyed him. Luca had watched. He had watched the life drain out of the mates eyes and he had seen the one call Elizabeth fall apart right before his eyes. He knew why. The bond between mates was strong, something no one could ever destroy. It was obvious these mates had something special and he felt deeply sorry for the female. But he followed her in silence. He followed her to the ground above  and watched as she moved a few feet from the entrance and gently placed the body down. Her hands were covered with blood but she didn't seem phased.

Elizabeth searched the ground for a stone or something sharp. She found a sharp edged stone and made her way back to her mate.  She stooped to the ground and very slowly began digging with the sharp edged stone. She knew the demon man was watching her but she didn't care. She kept on digging until the grave was about two feet in depth and long enough to compensate for Anthony's figure. She picked him up and slowly put him in the grave. Her tears trailed down her face and landed on his. She leaned forward and slowly placed a tender kiss on his cold lips. She pulled back and said softly.

"I love you to. I'll be yours; forever."


Queen Anika was panicking. She was pacing in the hall outside the infirmary waiting to see what happened. She was shocked when she saw Sebastian emerge from the room uninjured.

"Bas? Oh my God. Bas, are you okay?" She hugged him. She squeezed him to her and held him tightly.

"I am alright Ani." He said to her and kissed her forehead.

"What happened?" She asked, pulling away to inspect his chest.

"I just got better. I don't know how to explain it. Garrett is also confused." Sebastian said to his queen. It was quite strange. One minute he was laying on the bed, the next he was getting up like he had just been napping.

"I think something happened in the past that changed." Garrett said softly coming to interrupt the King and Queen.

"What do you mean?" The queen asked.

"Maybe some captured Elizabeth and for a second they were capable of using her as a weapon, but things changed, so the poison no longer exist." Garrett said and the Queen thought it over. It sounded very possible.

"That sounds likely." She said and looked up at her mate. "Does that mean  that Elizabeth is okay?" She asked Garrett.

"I don't know your highness, only time will tell."

"What should we  do?" She asked her mate hoping his answer would be better.

"For now, we wait."


Forever Yours have come to a very tragic end. Not because of any other reason beside this is the end of this book. Don't worry, there would be a book two. Soon, not now. Maybe as soon as The Rogue is finished, then maybe then would I start this sequel.

Could I just say that Anthony wasn't supposed to die. At least, I didn't plan to kill him, nor did I plan for a sequel, but I'm way soooorrryyyyy.

Till next time...


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