Chapter 24

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Suspended from the ceiling of the underground tomb, hideout of their captors, hung Elizabeth and Kathlyn. Kathlyn was still unconscious as the blow to her head was graver than she thought. Elizabeth stirred occasionally. The chains that hung her arms to the ceiling weren't tight and the chains that were around her ankles to make sure she couldn't kick out weren't tight either. They were coated in a venom that was found on the back of a poisonous marine plant. Extremely rare and very dangerous to all like, or so the hunters hoped. 

Elizabeth shook her head. Her body felt limp and she had no feeling in her arms. Her neck hurt and her head throbbed. She tried to pull on her arms to shake them but as she pulled the shackles  tightened and she hissed as it tightened too tight that it almost broke her wrist.

The girl stood in the corner watching the angel and her friend with vigilant eyes. She didn't miss anything. She wasn't going to let this angel get away, all angels had to pay. But she was intrigued with her. She was easily captured which meant that she was weak, her senses won't open and she was easily caught off guard. A smirk played on the girls lips as she remembered how easy it was to catch the two girls. Her eyes darted between them again and she realised that these won't just two random girls, they had to be related. The had the same shade of hair, same lips and same face. They were basically identical.

She smirked again, for she had captured twins. She knew they were rare, even more so for an angel and a glimmer of pride swelled in her chest. She would be remembered. She would be known. Everyone would quiver at her name. The name of the female hunter who captured twin angels. 

She allowed a smile to grace her face as she stared at the twins with interest. She made a step towards the one who wasn't squirming. For a second she thought the girl was dead, then she heard it. She heard the slow steady heartbeat of the girl. Then she glanced at the girls sister and heard her more aggressive heartbeat. And in the background she heard the faint heartbeat.

Thump, thump, thump...

Almost not there but still there. Faint and almost struggling. Her eyes widened as she realised one of the  twins was with child. She glanced between them both and her eyes narrowed on the more aware one. She walked over to her and listened. She heard a more faint heartbeat as well as the girls heartbeat. She was confused. Could it be that both the girls was with child she shook her head. It mattered not, not to her. She walked to the door and yelled in Italian.

"Luca,  get in here." The man quickly ran in. His eyes wide as he looked at his commander, who had her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"M'lady?" He looked at her, head bowed.

"Have you found the mates?" She asked, looking at the twins.

"Nay. But we have stumbled upon a cabin in the direction to which the angels were headed." He said, raising his head slightly.

"When will they be brought here?" She asked folding her arms on her chest.

"By the morrow m'lady." Luca said to her. She turned to look at him, her eyes sad. "Is there a problem m'lady?" He asked, frightened.

"They are sisters, born at the same time." She said meeting his eyes and then looking back down. She closed her eyes and raised her head, looking at him.

"Angels? But that has never been heard of." He said in awe.

"Well it has happened. Get the mates. Now!" She shouted, a new plan forming in her head.

"We have not attacked  as of yet. We wait for sun down." Luca said to her and she snarled at him, her eyes flashing from brown to blue and then back to brown.

"I said now Luca!" She shouted and the chains rattled. She clenched her jaw tightly. 

"Yes, m'lady." Luca said and left with great haste. He wished not to anger his commander. For her wrath was never well received. The commander smiled to herself as she watched Luca scamper off.

"What better way to die than have your mate watch."


"Who are the hunters?" Nikolai asked Thomas as Anthony gathered himself. 

"They are a group of creatures who wish to seek the extinction of angels." Thomas said walking into his bedroom and walking out with a sword. He eyed Nikolai warily and pointed the tip of his sword at him. "To what species do you  belong?" Thomas asked.

"I'm a demon, turned." Nikolai said putting his hands in the air. Thomas snarled and narrowed his eyes to slits.

"Whose side are you on?" Thomas shouted.

"What? I'm on your side." 

"I find that hard to believe. Since angels and demons are sworn enemies." Nikolai swallowed. He never dug into the history, he didn't know when was he or how he was suppose to convince the shape-shifter that he was a good guy. He remembered hearing about the great war but he didn't know how long ago it was. He knew that demons were created for the soul purpose to destroy angels. But that was then, now they live in peace; most of them.

"Elizabeth is my best friend. I was dying and a demon turned me. I came with them. Part of her running away group." Nikolai said and Thomas glared at him.

"Elizabeth?" Thomas questioned at a lost. He knew not anyone named Elizabeth.

"My mate." Anthony said getting to his feet. Thomas glanced at him.

"The woman who looks like my wife." Thomas said with a raised brow.

"That's her. I'm her fiance Anthony and that's her best friend Nikolai." Anthony said wiping beads of sweat off his brow. Nikolai glanced at Anthony then at Thomas. He found it strange that Anthony was suffering so severely and  Thomas was normal.

"I am Thomas." He said and sheathed his sword.

"Why aren't you sweating?" Nikolai asked him and Thomas glanced at him.

"I am not angel. They are poisoning his mate. Because he is also angel, he will feel it also." Thomas said strapping on leather armour.

"But we have not fully mated or marked each other." Anthony said letting out a groan.

"An enchantress is involved. You will suffer regardless." Thomas said checking and double checking his armour.

"What are you doing?" Nikolai asked him.

"Going to get my wife back. We need a plan of attack."

"Why now?" Nikolai asked grabbing a sword that lay on the floor.

"Because they are coming for us. We need be ready."

"How about we let them take us and we fight them off when we are at their hideout." Nikolai said trying to spin the sword. Both Anthony and Thomas glanced at him.

"Stupid idea. We'll be dead. You hide out back. They know not of your presence. Follow us from a far and await or exit." Thomas said and Anthony nodded in agreement.

"Fine." Nikolai grumbled. Anthony stood and stretched his wings. He called Cyrus for assistance and he swung his black sword ready for fight.

"They are here." His angel voice said just as the front door was kicked down.


Hope you'll enjoyed that chapter, tell me if you do. Leave me your feed back and vote up a storm.

Have a gummytastic day.

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