Chapter 21

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I like writing in third person omniscent so I'll continue down that line. Unless something important comes up and a person's view is better for it. Okay, so this is a mini rant.
Lately due to my breakup, I've been finding it hard to write anything happy because he hurt me deeply. I'm now just a shell of my usually extrovert self. School closed for summer break and I don't hav my friends to cheer me up. Sighz
In another note, someone messaged me (not saying who) asking what gave me my idea for my stories and they hope I have it planned how I intend to get Elizabeth and Anthony as well as Nikolai out of 1456. But for all you concerned readers, there is a way out, need not worry. I know what I'm doing.
There will be a time when I just won't update so I plan on writing out some chapters and then just publish them when I think the time is appropiate but it all depends on if he (ex-bf) keeps his distance.
Anyway, story time. Sorry.

That night Elizabeth slept with Anthony in her arms on the make shift bed. His head lay on her bosom and one of her hands in his hair. He drew delicate circles on her the flesh of her arm. She felt so contended in his arms. She knew not of a safer place than in the arms of her mate, her fiancé. And she knew as a certain fact that if when they first met someone told her that she would be falling in love with her mate, she wouldn't have hesitated to drop some of her blood down their throat.

Anthony knew of the way he felt for his mate. He only felt this way for one other person, his late father. That was the only family he had for he didn't know his mother, and now he had someone new to love. He had his mate, and he would love her like his life depended on it and no hunters could separate them. He would not let them hurt her again. She meant more to him than he led on and he was joyous that she of all people was his mate.

For mates, it is said that on first meeting, there is no connection. A mate just shows two people that they are meant to be, it is up to those people to work out whether they want to be and only then, does the bond stregthen and the two people then feel their love for each other.

Whilst the two mates lay on the bed consumed in their own thoughts the husband of their host was on his way home to see his wife. After being away for too long, he longed for her and her love. He made his way to their cabin and opened the door. He stared at the couple on the make shift bed and his anger bubbled. He knew that was her wife, her brown hair gave her a way. And he knew that she was being unfaithful by the intimate way as to which she lay with the man. They both stared at him and his wife was different.

She smelled different and her eyes, her usually brown beautiful eyes were suddenly replaced by fierce icy blue eyes. The stranger looked like his wife, but he knew she wasn't the woman he fell in love with. She sat up and her husband sat up as well. She presumed that was her husband because he saw the ring on her finger and their intimate positions suggested that they were in deed lovers.

"Who are you?" He asked finally. They both stared at him then the look a like squinted her eyes at him and then widened with realization.

"Thomas?" She asked him and his eyes widened. How did she know his name?
Meanwhile on the shore of the beach Nikolai sat coughing up salt water. He never felt so scared. He had been falling for a lifetime and he thought for a fact that death was imminent until he plunged into the water. He saw the shore close by and he swam towards it. When he reached it, he was coughing up water and he felt tired.

He lay down on the sand, resting when he felt a shadow over him. He looked up and came face to face with a brunette. But not just any, his best friend. He scrambled up to his feet and looked at her. He let out a sigh at the fact that she was safe.

"Elizabeth." He breathed and she stared at him with her doe like brown eyes. And then he noticed that her eyes were brown. This was not his best friend, she was a look a like.

"You must be mistaken, I am not Elizabeth." She said to him and he stared at her.

"I am Kathlyn. Who are you?" She asked him.

"I'm Nikolai." He said and she cocked her head to the side.

"What a strange name. Do you know Elizabeth?" She asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, she's someone close to me." He said.

"You must be here for her wedding. Did you fall off the boat from England as well. You arrived the same way she and her fiancé did." He stared at her. Did she say fiancé, he thought.

Before he could answer a scream through the stark dark night cut him off and the strange Kathlyn girl took off running.

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