Chapter 28

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The commander watched through the bar. She had had her prisoners there for four days now. Two days since the mates had awaken. She waited, patiently, for the more aggressive sister to wake up. But she thought to herself; what if they had been mixed up during the cleaning. Surely that could be the reason why the weaker one was still unconscious. The commander smiled, it all made sense.

She stared back into the room and looked thoughtfully at the group. What if the toxin had harmed the weak angel? She asked herself. She didn't want the angel to die just yet. She made a gurgle sound in her throat and turned to her second. Luca had his eyes in the room. She didn't like the way his eyes always lingered on the sisters especially the unconscious one. It angered her. The conscious girl refused to talk  to anyone and she usually stared at the unidentified male for long periods of time. She had settled on the fact that he was her mate, which meant she would be prosecuted for interbreeding. The commander gave a victory yelp. She was overjoyed.

Anthony stared at his mate, longing for her to wake up. The bond between them had only increased after he proposed, to which he did not properly get to kiss her. For there was no action he enjoyed more than kissing his stunning mate. He did not expect to get attacked or have his mate kidnapped on his birthday. There was no bright way to look at this situation. He had estimated that he had been awake for approximately two to three days, he was unsure of the date. He heard a groan and looked to his left and saw Thomas sitting, asleep and Kathlyn stared at him. Her eyes held water in them and his heart clenched. He heard the groan again and this time Kathlyn snapped her head to him. They both turned to look at Elizabeth. 

Her chains rattled and they looked at her with wide eyes. Her nose began to bleed and her ears bled. Their eyes widened as her body began to shake and her skin pale. Anthony grew worried, his mate could die. And he knew if his mate die, not only will he enter depression as she is and will always be his only mate but the kingdom of Drexel will fall apart without their princess as she is to be their queen. It seemed that the queen had no intentions to have another baby, he thought. He started panicking, nothing was going to happen to his mate. Fear squeezed his heart and his breath caught in his throat. 

Her body began shaking more violently as though she was undergoing a seizure and she started coughing. Blood splattered from her lips and landed on the floor near to Thomas' foot. He stirred and opened his eyes and looked up. His eyes widened at the blood and he forced his chair back, in an event turning himself over, so his back was on the floor. He let out a groan of pain and tried to get backup. 

Anthony didn't know what was happening to his mate. He tried to break his chains but he was only burning and bruising his skin in an event. A bone chilling scream left Elizabeth's lips and he saw tears stream down her face. That was his undoing. Neither Cyrus nor him could stand it. Cyrus took over. He let out roar of pain and broke his left wrist so that he could remove his hands. He wasted little time. He was out in seconds and his angel was in full form.  His body stood taller, his skin darker and his eyes bright green. His gold and white wings spreading wide and occupying the majority of the room. His eyes scanned everything and they finally settled on  his mate. He  made his way to her and he hissed as his hand grabbed the sapphire laced chains and pulled  them free. Elizabeth's limp body fell into his arms. He hissed again as her blood fell on his skin. He cradled  her to his chest and she let out soft whimpers.

The feeling of his mate in his arms calmed him down enough to fold his wings  behind his back. His wrist now healed as the power of the angel healed him. The blood from her ears and nose dripped on his skin and he  held in his hisses. He needed her to be calm. Calm meant alive, alive meant freedom, freedom meant getting away. And getting away meant back to their own time. He rocked her in his arms, tears running down his face at the thought of losing his mate scared him.

The commander watched.

She had returned to the door when the unconscious angel began screaming. She didn't know why, no one has ever been affected by the toxin in the way. She watched in wonder as the girls nose and ears began to bleed. She was about to intervene when the male angel let out a roar and broke his chains. Her eyes widened, no one had ever been able to do that before. She watched in horror as he released the screaming girl and she saw him hiss when she landed on him. He cradled her to his chest and she knew that she was his mate. That was the only explanation as to his burst of energy. He had a very powerful angel.

She smiled a bit and then shook her head. She  had  no time to reminisce in the past. What's done  was done and she needed to carry out her plans.  She smiled evilly and turned to her second.

"Time to begin."


Sorry about the late update, I've been up and down with life. It has been very stressing and full of much tension. Anyway, if I update within the next ten days, consider that lucky.

Au revior, Gummy

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