Chapter 25

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Anthony stood with his sword in front of his body and was prepared to fight for his life. He saw Thomas swing his blade numerous times before he actually attacked the guy closest to him, severing his head from his body. There was a silence as the head tumbled to the ground and rolled around a bit before a man in the middle of the clearing let out a battle cry. He lunged for Anthony but Anthony quickly evaded his attack and struck him between his shoulder blades with the hilt of his sword and he dropped to the ground.

Before Anthony could strike the man any further he left a being on his back and he shook his back trying to dislocate the man. He ran backwards to the wall and slammed his back to it and the being groaned and let his back loose. He winced as he realised his wing was bent slightly and he tried to fold his wings only wincing slightly from the pain that he received. He flexed his shoulders and swung his sword out rapidly, cutting any species that was in his way. He fought against the enemy brutally and forcefully. He did not care at all for his own being, he cared for his mate. He was not going to lose her to. A weird looking man ran for him and he parried his attack with his sword, he made sure to be assertive and attacked with wide eyes, not missing a beat. Unfortunately for Anthony, he did not possess eyes behind his head. The knife hurtled towards the ange; and struck the flesh in his shoulder as he turned to parry another attack.

He screeched in pain as the blade sliced through his shoulder. The demon who threw the knife at the angel smiled and licked the gash on his hand, where he cut himself and laced the dagger with his acidic blood. Luca never felt prouder, he knew he made a smart move and he knew his blood will slow the fighting angel down, it only took time.

Anthony grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled it out. He watched as his hands burnt from the blood and he winced when he grabbed the sword's hilt and dodged a blow from a gigantic club. His movements became sluggish and he killed as much as he could. Between severing heads and stabbing in the chest, he was slowed to ducking in time and dodging massive blows. He had later noticed that the dagger was not just covered in demon blood but was also tipped with sapphire. He knew piece of sapphire was still in his body and when he had almost recovered from the assault from the dagger, he had received three more in his back; one piercing his wing. He knew he was going to go down. As his last foe came up to him, with a smirk on his lips he swung out his sword to which the demon dodged with ease and the angel growled.

He held up the sword in his hands trying to lift the sword and use it as an actual weapon but it's weight didn't clash well with the burning in his shoulder so it clattered to the ground and vanished in a gust of smoke. The demon pounced on the angel trying to knock him back but failed miserably. The angel grabbed the the demon and punched it in the face. The demon spat blood in the angel's face, laughing at the angels pain. He used this opportunity to punch the angel in his stomach and then he pressed his thumb into his wound and the angel screamed in pain. Anthony mustered his last bit of strength and head but the demon. The demon stumbled back and glared at the angel whilst trying to gain composure of his swirling head. The demon didn't wast time, his blue eyes flashed black and he quickly pounced on the angel and the angel fell back, the daggers driving in a bit deeper and the demon smiled triumphantly and he speared four punches to the angels face and watched as the angel shifted into unconsciousness.

Thomas had been fighting and watching as the angel, Anthony, was taken down. He saw dagger after dagger impale the man. He had wanted to help but he had his own problems to worry about. His foe was a great one. He had attempted to sever his head too many times to count and Thomas knew he was no different. He had also attempted to take the life of the man before him. But the man did not fight fair, he had several daggers for throwing and, all seemed to be made of silver and each one pierced his skin harder than the last. But he fought through the burn spreading throughout his body and fought the man hand to hand. When both their swords fell, it became a fist brawl and the majority of the time Thomas' foe had his face in the hard floor of the cabin and he liked it that way. He had the upper hand. Until, his foe began to mutter and his eyes widened as he felt his blood beginning to boil. He dropped to his knees and let out a scream.

His foe got off the floor and continued to mutter, his eyes solid black as he neared Thomas. Thomas knew that he couldn't fight the enchantress, it would be hard, especially since he had no sword and his blood was boiling. He fought against the pain and pulled a dagger out of his side. He let it fly from his wrist, hitting the distracted enchantress dead in his throat cutting off his words. He killed it on the spot and proceeded to pull the daggers out of his body. He dropped them on the floor and reached for his sword. Just as he was about to grab the hilt he felt someone come up behind him and placed a knife against his throat. He felt it sting and burn with contact and he knew it was laced with demon blood. He huffed out a sigh and raised his hand in the air, just as the man gave him a swift determined blow behind his head.


The commander watched in glee as her men dragged the sister angels into the room. She watched as they chained the girls to the wooden chairs and she smiled at herself. She had her maids bathe and give them clothes. That way they would die fresh. She liked feeling that she did a good thing in her new life. She glanced at the sisters and found it hard to tell them apart after she had her men give the more aware one Dormientes angelus she felt more relaxed. She found it strange that the demon blood that she had forced down the girls' throat had no impact on her in fact it seemed to fuel her more. She knew it was strange and never heard of, but strange things happened all the time, this was no exception.

She focused on the unconscious girls and looked at the quieter one. She had at first thought that the girl had been dead, but after hearing her heartbeat and the background noise that surrounded them both of a baby's heartbeat she summed that she was just a weak angel. That made sense in her head. She looked up at the sound of the cell door opening. In walked her second, Luca and he had the men bringing in two men. Both bloodied and unconscious. She smiled at him, pride swelling in her chest and she almost wanted to hug him. Almost bring key word. He looked at the angel sisters and his glare lingered on them longer than the commander liked, but she was intrigued by his sudden interest. He just stared at them.

"They are with child?" He asked finding it odd that he couldn't pinpoint the who the baby belonged to. The commander nodded.

"I am not sure exactly who is expecting the child but I have settled to think that they are both expecting a child. However, it matters not. They will both be dead." The commander shrugged and turned her gave to the angels mates. She hissed when she noticed one was angel and she was intrigued by the non-angelic being. He didn't smell angel. She turned to look at her second and found him still looking at the girls. But he was more intrigued by the more aggressive one.

"She is odd." He muttered under his breath.

"She is indeed. She did not weaken at the demon blood. If anything she became more aggressive." The commander said thoughtfully. She was thoroughly bewildered. She had known angels all her life, she was an angel at one time but she didn't look back on that. She knew for a fact that deomn blood weakened angels, no matter how strong.

"The angel male was weakened." He second muttered and she glanced over at where the two males were strapped and chained down, to face their mates.

"She must be a warrior." The commander said absentmindedly

"It is possible. What do we do now M- Commander." He said almost accidentally calling her by her name.

"Now Luca, we wait."


So, i'm in a really, really, really awful mood. I listened to Fall out Boy whilst writing this chapter and I really wanted to be nasty. Dorimentus angelus means sleeping angel and it's a poison that the enchantresses created to help capture the angels. It could only be created by a enchantress who practices dark magic for it is very hard to make with a pure soul seeing that your intentions are not rightous. My ex is helping me at the moment and so is my best friend. give her a follow. I dedicated this chapter to her. Thanks much for helping.

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