Chapter 22

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Hi guys, updating again because I know you hate to wait and the suspense has been killing you. As well as me. I have been dying to write this chapter. It's going to be a bit long at least more than 1000 words so you can enjoy the read. My ex and I talked out some of our problems and we have been getting better. And I'm trying to hold myself off from him but honestly, this love thing has my head spinning. Anyway, you can comment books for me to read, and I  assure I will read them. Happy living.


The queen had been in her room, helpless for about twenty minutes.  Elizabeth had only been gone thirty minutes. Thirty minutes without he daughter. Thirty minutes she was lost through time. She had listened closely to the conversation her daughter's friends were having and she wanted to help find her daughter more than anyone. She knew the idea of teleportation was a good one, but it was extremely hard for angels to teleport through time. Especially with no fixed time in place. Then a thought struck the queen, for what better way to find her daughter than to find the history of the door.

She got up and ran out of her bedroom and ran to the second floor where the giant library was held. She reached the door and knocked three times before dragging the handle to the other side of the door and opening it to the giant library that stretched before her. It was one of the many rooms in the castle that was bigger than it appeared. The library was always a room that the queens  would spend most of their time in, for it held many books. Some quiet older than the inhabitants of the castle. Even a few older than the castle itself. 

The library was a place protected by magic and it was the only place that would survive an attack on the castle. Unfortunately, the spell protecting the library only worked on the room and the books, no being to ever hide in the library during an attack has ever survived. She sat at her favourite seat in the middle of the library and placed her palm on the pad in the middle of the desk and breathed out deeply.

"Hguorht eht yortsih eht em gnirb sega." She said in old angel dialect. Her palm began to sting and she held on until the book came off the shelf and landed on the desk, next to her hand. She removed her palm from the pad and opened the book. She scanned through the book and closed it after she realised what she was looking for wasn't in the book. 

She continued to search, hoping to find something that would get her to her to her daughter.


Sebastian sat listening to the maid talk about what she saw. How she saw the demon boy jump through the dark doorway and then the bricks started to reassemble themselves. He had a feeling she was  talking about the same doorway Elizabeth and her mate had jump through, which meant that the demon boy was Nikolai and he had to be down right stupid to jump into a doorway which led to God knows where. He had dismissed her and sent her to the castle doctor. He would be able to give her something for her head injury. He stood from his throne and looked about the room. His patience had run thin and he knew he shouldn't be letting the worry set in. He had all the beings in his castle busy trying to find information on the door.

He had been pacing the throne room since he left his wife this morning and he had been stressing. He was worried about not only his daughter but also the sanity of his wife. She had been crying and stressing over Elizabeth and she had began rambling about different ways for them to save Elizabeth and each way was crazier than the other. He looked up at the wall and saw a portrait of Elizabeth at the age of six. She was standing in the middle of the palace gardens looking up at the butterflies that flew crazily in the sky. She was smiling, her blue eyes happy and a few tears settled into Sebastian's eyes. How he missed his daughter. No matter how small or how big she was, she would always be his little girl. And Sebastian would always love her. He wiped the tear that had fallen from his eyes and took a steadying deep breath.

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