Chapter 5

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I was in the middle of a very irrevelant conversation between two younglings. That was my name for recently turned demons. They were younglings. Annoying, attention seeking and irrevelant. I was about to give them piece of my mind when my phone rang. I pulled it out ande smiled when I saw the caller id.

"Nikolai?" I asked. It had to be important that he was calling me. He almost never wanted to converse unless it was of great importance.

"Steven..." He trailed off. I smiled. My blue eyes twinkling with joy at his voice, I could almost picture his confused face.

"How can I help you my child?" I asked him. I liked referring to him as my child. He was the first person I turned, in my five centuries of roaming this earth he was my first child. And shortly after I turned him he showed me to the most beautiful thing. She was 16 and dying. I remembered. She had bad cystic fibrosis and had just gotten into a bad acident. Her mother was no good to us as she was nearing death and he asked me to bestow on her this 'gift' so she wouldn't die. I saw that he cared for her and she him, but she was unwanting of the 'gift' and it clung to her more than it did to him. She was by far more powerful and when she left him, I knew it stung. They were linked. Not only by soul but also by maker. They were bound to be together.

"I've found her." He said ut of breath, snapping me out of my revive.


"New Jersey." I hummed at his answer. After digging up on her, I found that her father resided in New Jersey so she no doubt came to live with him after her mother's passing in England, 3 years prior.

"That is good, is it not?" I asked, running a hand through my brown hair.

"Actually, its wonderful. But it isn't the matter to which I have called to dwell." He said. He was acting so formal.

"Then what is needed of such formaities?" I heard some shuffling then he sighed.

"There are others here." He whispered.

"What others?" I asked worrying for his protection. He had only just completed his transition into a full demon and I didn't want anything or anyone to hurt my child.

"I don't know of what they belong. But there are 3 of them. Each of which are close friends to Elizabeth."

"What is their aura like." There was some silence and I thought the cal disconnected.

"None. I can't smell anything strange off of them." I hummed. That was strange. Each supernatural being either turned or born has an aura or a smell as to which it can be identified by.

"That's is peculiar. Couldit be that it is masked?"

"I have triedto gather from specifics but there isn't anything to work with. They all smell human, except for Elizabeth of course."

"Do they know that she is of us?"

"They are either oblivious to it, or they know. But I doubt it because she go startled when her blood dripped on the floor." My ears perked at this.

"What do you mean dripped?" I asked.

"She got cut. It was accidental." He quickly rushed on. It was bad when a demons blood left its body. It would take about two minutes before its blood would turn to an acid and burn anything it came in contact with. "I disposed of it before it was too late." He said and I smiled at my son.

"I will come down to have an interaction with these new friends of yours." I said and he was silent for a long while. I thought he went back into one ofhis quiet spells. He did it often when we first met but he soon broke out of it. And I was happy he did.

"She's here." I thought for a second.

"And..." I trailed off a bit unsure.

"Do you think it's wise?" He asked. He was polietly telling me to stay away.

"I'll give you time Nikolai. But I want updates. Weekly, telling me of her condition. Answer me this my child, has she undergone her full transition?" I asked curiously.

"She still smells young. But she doesn't use her ability as far as I can see."

"Nikolai, keep her safe. For me." I said, wanting him to take me seriously.

"Of course. I'll keep in touch." And the call disconnected. I placed the phone back into my pocket and looked off into the distance.

I woud visit them, if only to see my daughter.

Guys, please vote and leave comments. There ismuch to be said and much to be done. But I need your votes and opinions so i know i wouldn't be wasting my time.

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