Chapter 32

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Nikolai couldn't wait.

He stood from the tree where he was perched and stretched his limbs. He was supposed to come to the rescue of Anthony and Thomas but he couldn't. He had a job to do, a main purpose as to why  he went after Elizabeth. He couldn't let her go. She had a purpose and he was going to get what he came for.

He had been tracking her for too long. All his hard work couldn't go down the drain because he wasn't the only one who wanted her. And no matter how hard her mate tried, he would get her. Even if he had to kill him to do so; Nikolai would take Elizabeth.

He jumped off the tree and landed on his feet. He cracked his neck and swung the sword in his hand. He was going to get what he wanted, and no one will stand in his way.

Marcella could only stare.

Stare at the abomination before her eyes, stare at the woman she use to call friend, state at her third who took over her army. She just stared. She was out of expressions, emotions, everything. She knew not what to do, for she could only stare. Kathlyn stared after the girl who use to live in her house. She knew she was different, she just couldn't place what exactly she was.  

She had the wings of an angel but the face of a demon. Was it possible for her to be a crossbreed. Kathlyn scowled despite herself, she was a strong believer that species should not be mixed and she wondered for a second how England had allowed this monstrosity. Then it clicked; Kathlyns eyes widened as she realised that they couldn't have been from England. The queen there wouldn't allow it. She pondered on it, if they won't from England, then where were they from?

Elizabeth cared not for her appearance, all that mattered to her was her mate and her mates life had been in danger. She snared at the man in front of her as he looked at her as though she was the evil he so badly wanted to smite. But Elizabeth knew she was not evil. Her heart told her she was good and that the man in front of her was evil.

Anthony watched as Elizabeth snarled at the man in front of them. His heart went out for his mate as he gave her all the strength he could muster. He knew she didn't need it but Cyrus longed to give his mate strength. He stared at her, eyes ablaze as he took in her tense figure.

Before anyone inside the cell could act on their not so civil thoughts, the sound of metal clashing on metal was heard from outside and everyone stilled.

Thomas smiled as he thought that Nikolai had come to help them but he was wrong. No one knew of the boys intentions and Thomas only hoped that it was a good thing coming their way.

Samiel stared at the abomination before him, he was not going to let a little swords play stop him. She was indeed an oddity, an oddity that needed to be destroyed. He had never seen such an atrocious thing before and he didn't understand how this creature had survived so long, whatever she was.

The door to the cell opened and in rushed Nikolai, hair disheveled and his arm bleeding from a slice that went along his bicep. Thomas looked at him relieved but the boys eyes were on his prize; Elizabeth.

Elizabeth opened her wings and rose above the ground. She now hovered above Samiel and she didn't fear the man who looked at her with hatred. She hissed at him and showed him her teeth letting him know that she was ready for war. Samiel grabbed his sword and swung it forward, letting the woman know he himself was ready for war. He threw the broken sword unto the ground and lounged for Elizabeth. Elizabeth met them head on and as he attempted to tackle her to the ground.

Her back hit the hard stone of the floor and she winced as her wing bent but she didn't stop. She reached her claws out and scratched at his throat, narrowly missing his jugular. He wrapped his hands around her neck andpicked up her head and banged it against the ground. The floor dented and he did it again hoping for better results.

The room broke out in war as Samiel tackled Elizabeth. Thomas made sure to stand insanely close to Kathlyn to protect her. She was still to weak and after taking down the first man he obtained a sword and warded off anyone who came too close to his mate. Anthony was close to his mate fighting off anyone who wanted to interfere in his battle with her.


All Marcella saw was blood. Demon blood, shape shifter blood, necromancer blood. Her fellow men, her comrades, her followers, were dying in front of her and there was nothing she could do about it. She cursed herself and the two men who held her fast, but she was too self absorbed to notice.

Everyone was to self absorbed too notice.

Nikolai moved towards Anthony who was weakly fighting off three men. He was barely holding on and Nikolai knew that the end of the young man was near. He spun his sword and without another thought pierced the sword through the back of the nephilim.

Anthony gasped as he felt the sword break his skin and pierced through his front. He couldn't look back but he knew this moment was his last moment. The room fell silent as he dropped to the ground with a thud. Elizabeth's eyes zeroed in on him and she pushed Samiel off with strength she didn't know she possessed. She crawled towards him and her breath caught in her throat. This couldn't be it, this couldn't be her last moment with him. She cradled his head on her lap as she stared down at his brown green eyes

"I love you." He whispered so softly she almost didn't hear it with her sobs. And her breath caught in her throat as he exhaled his last breath. 

And she let it out. A shrill scream of pain escaped her throat and tortured every soul who heard it.


Finally, an update. This is way past long overdue and it was harder to write than I planned. I know you might hate me for what I have done, but I still love you. I love you all so much and I am so very sorry. Please forgive me, for I have wronged you.

I have not fallen off the face of the earth just yet, this chapter was just hard for some unknown reason, but it has been done... Do enjoy.

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