Chapter 10

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I didn't know what was happening, or why I said those words to my mother. The look on her face, broke my heart and I felt extremely bad for saying that. It wasn't her fault she was mated to a Demon.

"Mom, I'm..." I got cut off by her raised hand.

"It's okay Elizabeth." She closed her eyes, then opened them in shock. "Did you just call me mom?" She had a smile on her face and she looked happy. I nodded at her and was going to say something, when the pain started.

It was in my back and I was burning up. My skin was aflame and I felt hot. Extremely hot. I got off of the bed and doubled over in pain. This was so strange and painful. My back was aching and it felt as though something wanted to rip free. Wings. The word came to my head and I thought for a second that it was my wings. And the moment that thought entered my mind, they sprang free.

Tearing the flesh on my back, and breaking free. I stared at them in awe. My eyes fulled of tears and my breathing heavy. They were gold and sparkling. They were beautiful. I held out my hand to touch one and it came closer to me, and let me touch it. I felt strange. It felt as though someone was stroking my hair and at the same time my back. The feathers were soft and fluffy like.

"You got your wings." My mother said gleefully.

"What does that mean?"I asked her, still caressing the feathers

"That your mate has awaken his power already." She said staring at Sebastian with something in her eyes.

"I don't want a mate." I said, still looking at my wings.

"Good, 'cause neither do I." Everyone in the room turned to the voice, there in the corner stood a guy with long brown hair, piercing brown eyes and a built physique. His arms were folded across his bare chest but what caught my attention, was not the tattoo that adorned his upper body, but his wings. They were gold, just like mine.

"Even better. We could reject each other and go along with our lives." I said. His eyes darkened then he looked at me, his eyes raking up and down my body.

"Nephilim's can't reject their mates." He was a nephilim. I swallowed.

"That is true Liz, angels aren't allowed to reject their mates. Incompatible or not." My mother said looking at the strange guy.

"Well, you know a lot." He said to her. She turned to look at him, her wings prominent. Their white, bright in the room.

"I suggest you watch your tongue boy." She snapped at him, carefully looking him up and down.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you aren't the angel who sired me, so-" She cut him off with a glare. She opened her mouth to correct him but Sebastian answered for her.

"That is my queen. And she is your queen. You would treat her as such." He said, his voice deep with power.

"King Sebastian." He said formally bowing. His eyes a look of terror.

"Skip the formalities. You can stand." The guy stood and looked at me, then to my mother.

"My apologies, your highness." He said to her.

"What is your name?" She asked instead.

"Anthony Frazer, your majesty." He said bowing his head. I rolled my eyes at him. Here were my friends talking to my mom about her life and this guy here was calling her highness. I scoffed as everything seemed a bit ridiculous.

"I'm Queen Anika. You can stop with all the formalities." She said and retracted her wings. Which I thought was very cool.

"Queen Anika." I rolled my eyes again and this time Anthony noticed. He locked eyes with me and stared at me long and her. "Do you have a problem?"

"Yes. Are you gonna fix it?" I asked.

""Why? I'm pretty sure you can fix it yourself." I looked at him, then at his wings that were identical to mine.

"Well actually, the problem is you."

"How about we leave and give mates a minute to themselves." Stacy said looking at me knowingly.

"If Liz stays, I stay." Nikolai said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't even bother." Kelly said to him, and grabbed him by his shirt to drag him out of the room. My parents were the last to leave, giving me one last look.

"Don't even think about it." My mother said with narrowed eyes. I smiled at her. The door closed behind them and I stared at Anthony who was already staring at me.

"How about we start with introductions, mate?" Anthony asked, spitting out the word mate.

"I'm Elizabeth Walker." I said, sitting on the bed; my wings folded neatly behind me. They had a mind of their own.

"How old are you?"

"As of today, nineteen. You?"

"I'm nineteen angel years but, 49 human years." He said taking a seat on one of the chairs that was in the room.

"Where are you from?"

"Norwich. You?"

"Knapford." I replied quickly.

"What were you originally?"

"I was born Demon, but my mother is an angel."

"So you're a hybrid?"

"Yes, in a sense."

"So let's cut to the chase. You don't want me, and I don't want to be with you. What are we going to do?"

"I have to consult my parents." I said softly.


"Things are different for me."

"How so?" I looked at him but remained quiet. "You can tell me."

"The same rules with regards to mates, don't apply for royalty."

"So what are you saying?"

"You can't reject your mate. I don't think I can either."

"Why not?"

"I'm royalty."

"Yea, but your not the highest."

"I'm Princess Elizabeth Edwards, born."

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