Chapter 30

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Sebastian paced the room angrily. Anika had disappeared into the bedroom with the young angel and his blood was riled. He knew the young angel had a mate. She was apart of his medical team at the palace. He bit his inner cheek to stop himself from talking.

They had teleported to the young angels house, about five minutes now and Sebastian couldn't help but worry that they were taking too long. His heart hammered with every passing second for fear that Elizabeth could have been captured by the hunters. He knew he couldn't protect her. He was too far away. He swallowed pass the lump in his throat and stopped passing. He stood for a second and listened.

He heard it mere seconds after. The sound of a dart whistling through the air. His heart thundered in his chest ad he ran to his mate. He kicked open the door, not sparing a second.

Anika stared at her mate with startled eyes. She was about to question his actions when he ran towards her and covered her with his body. She was startled. She felt his skin thicken and she shrank herself into his body to hide hers.

Marcus was startled when he saw the king run into the room and cover the queen with his body. But he knew what it meant; it was a demons' way of protecting their mates, using their bodies as a shield.

He wasted no time, he ran to his bed and quickly slid under it and awaiting the kings instructions. He steadied his breathing and waited.

Anika was now more worried than Elizabeth than she was before, but her worry for her daughter was cut short when she heard Sebastian's sharp intake of breath. His body stiffened and he tightened his hold on her. There were four more sharp intakes before his body loosened hers. She slowly came out of his hold and saw behind him stood the phoenix Garrett in his true form and fire rolling off his finger tips.

Anika stepped away from Sebastian and his body began to fall forward. She was quick to steady him, not wanting him to fall on his face. His skin returned to normal and his temperature spiked greatly, he was too hot for her to touch. Panic creeped into heart. She knew not the type of poison that was capable of penetrating demon skin. Her heart swelled in her chest and she grew with panic.

"Your Majesty." Garrett said bowing his head toward the queen. She looked up at him with startled eyes.

"What poison is this?" She asked, her voice coming out strained.

"I don't know, we should get back to the palace." He said, his ski returning back to normal and his appearance changing.

"Yes, we need to hurry." She said and opened her wings. "Where?" She asked.

"My lab." He said and Anika wasted no time. She quickly teleported her and Sebastian to the infirmary, hoping to make it in time to save her husband's life.

So i'm now using my phone to update because my laptop and I had a falling out and my tablet is on games. Wattpad been messing with my feels.

Anyway, sorry for the late update, I am indeed alive and sorry that I didn't stic to my word. Been so busy with school which just started. And my new bf who fainted yesterday. Sighz, anyway next update between today and Sunday. *crossies*

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