Chapter 36

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Jonah, Caleb, and I have been living here for close to a month now and we can't seem to find a job, which means that we can't really pay for a lot of things. We have no cable, barely able to afford the rent, and other necessities we need. It really freaking sucks.

"Dada." Caleb says, climbing onto the couch and smiling at me. "Hungwy!"

"You're hungry, baby?" I say, smiling.

"Ya!" he bounces up and down and smiles.

He's so damn cute.

I pick him up and we walk into the kitchen. I set him down at the brand-new oak table we bought a couple of weeks ago, and then I head straight to the fridge to find something to make for him.

"Do you want pizza?"

"Yes!" he says, smiling.

"Okay, baby. Hold on while I warm it up."

"Otay." he says, playing with his hands.

While the pizza heats up for both of us, I rummage through the cabinets to get cups and then got us something to drink. I hand him his sippy cup and he instantly starts sucking it down. As the pizza in the microwave beeps, I get it out and put it on a paper plate.

"It's hot, baby. Be careful, okay?"

He nods his head and looks at the pizza. He tries to pick it up, but instantly drops it and holds his hand.

"Ow!" he says, pouting his lip.

"You OK?" I ask, pouting my lip back at him.

"Boo-boo." he says holding his hand out.

I lean over and kiss it and then he goes back to trying to eat his pizza. As much as I worried about having a kid that would be bad, Caleb is probably a really great kid who listens and is always playful and fun. He never really cried that much when he was first born, so I hope that as he gets older, he won't grow to be a really bad kid who gets into a lot of trouble.

As we finish our pizza, I throw away the plastic plates and then start to clean the house a little. Jonah is stlll sleeping right now, and I don't know why, so I walk into the bedroom (Caleb waddling behind) and I kneel down and whisper into Caleb's ear. "Go tell daddy it's time to wake up." As soon as he says those words, he smiles real big and wide and races over to the bed, slowly climbing on it and jumping right onto Jonah's side. He doesn't flinch at first, so Caleb looks over at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"Do it again." I whisper over to him.

He begins to bounce up and down on Jonah and Jonah begins to move a little, making these cute little noises.

"Caleb, baby, I'm up now." Jonah says, sleepily.

"Dada! Up!" Caleb yells, giggling the whole time.

I smile a neon-bright smile and giggle along with him. Caleb is incredibly cute and I'm so happy that we have a kid who is handsome, bubbly, and smart.

Jonah gets up out of bed and picks up Caleb, tossing him lightly in the air, making Caleb squeal and giggle uncontrollably.

"I'm going to tickle you if you wake daddy up again." Jonah says, smiling.

"NO!" Caleb screams and runs away from him, Jonah following right behind. I follow them into the living room where Jonah is tickling Caleb and Caleb is laughing hysterically, which makes me giggle and smile. This is my life, and I'm so thankful for it. I couldn't have asked God for anyone better. I got a beautiful boyfriend and an adorable baby boy.

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