Chapter 33

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Today is Caleb's first birthday. For his birthday, we wanted to try and go all out for it and make it a really good birthday. Yeah, we know that it's only his first birthday party and he has a million more to go, but we want to make this one the best one he has and one we would never forget.

Jonah is setting up the streamers while Adeline and Bryce blow up balloons. I'm trying to make sure that we have everything we need, because if we don't, I need to run to the store real quick and get it.

"Babe," Jonah called out to me. "Come here for a second."

I walk over to where he is. "Yes, darling?"

He motions for me to move towards him. He leans in and kisses me. "That's all I wanted." he said, smiling.

"Well," I said, smiling like an idiot, "I'm glad all you want from me is kisses." I teased him.

"Not true, at all." he gasped.

I giggled and went  back to checking everything.

Now, you may be wondering where Caleb is right now while we do all of this stuff. He is currently with my mom at a toy store and getting some new stuff. Yeah, you can say he is spoiled.

As I twice-over everything and double check that everything is here that we need, I sit down and sigh. I am so glad we didn't forget anything. Who would have known there was so much to do for a childs first birthday party. 

"Bro," I heard Adeline calling out to me.

"In the kitchen." I called out to her.

She turned the corner and sighed. "We need some more balloons."

I sighed for the millionth time today. "Really? I just told myself we were all set and now you have to spring this on me?" I said, teasingly.

"I'm sorry. I'm going by Jonahs command.

I nodded my head and got up from my chair, walking to where I set my keys down. I made my way to my car, got in, and made my way to the store. When I got to the store, I parked my car and made my way to where all the birthday stuff was and picked out some more balloons. As I was checking out, my phone began to buzz in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Babe, Caleb is running a fever." my Mom said.

"You got to be kidding me." I roll my eyes.

"Nope. Wish I was, but he currently has a temp of one-hundred-and-three."

I sighed. "What am I supposed to do now? It's all set up and today is just not going the way I planned it and it sucks. It really does." I rambled on. 

"Honey, it's okay. Calm down." my mother said to me. "We can still go on with the party, I just have to pick up some meds for him and he will be better in no time. I promise."

What would I do without my Mom? She is my rock. She is the one i lean on when things get tough. And the best thing is, is that she is always there for me when I need her. There is never once when she hasn't been there for me when something was going wrong in my life.

"Thank you, so much, Mom." I say. "I owe you one."

"No problem"

And then we hung up.


Later on in the day, after the whole party was over and done with and we bathed Caleb and put him to bed, Jonah and I were laying down in bed, relaxing. We didn't have much relaxing time anymore. Not after getting Caleb. Our whole lives are revolved around that precious boy. Not that I'm complaining, because I'm not. I'm just saying that most people don't realize that a baby changes everything in your life. You can't stay a kid forever while you are raising a child. It would just end up bad.

"I love you." I say to Jonah, who is staring contently at the television.

He looks over at me and smiles. "I love you too, baby."

I pull him close and kiss him; he kisses back. I lay my head on his chest and relax. We lay there for quite some time, just watching television. We don't get many days or nights like this, so we don't take them for granted.

After a couple of hours of laying there, I finally drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up to Caleb crying loudly. It was so loud, it sounded like he was dying or in a lot of pain. I shot right out of bed and ran to the crib. I picked him up and held him to try and calm him down. After a few minutes of it not working, I changed his diaper and then made my way downstairs with him still in my arms to make him a bottle.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I saw Bryce and Adeline standing by the counter.

"Can one of you make a bottle for me while I try to calm Caleb down?"

Adeline nodded her head and went on her way to make a bottle. She handed me the bottle and I popped it in Calebs mouth, which finally shushed him. I lightly bounced him in my arms as he was drinking from his bottle to make sure he wouldn't start fussing again. 

"Want me to take him so you can eat?" Bryce asked me.

I smiled. "Do you mind?"

He shook his head. I handed over Caleb to Bryce and started getting things ready to make breakfast.

"Did you guys eat yet?" I asked both Adeline and Bryce.

"No." they both said in unison.

I smiled. "Good. I'll make breakfast."

I opened the refrigerator and got the eggs, milk, butter, and everything else I needed out. I started making scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and when it was getting close to be done, I made toast. When the food was done, I started making everyones plates. I made my way into the kitchen where I was greeted by Jonah, who magically appeared in there without me knowing.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Jonah said to me as he came in for a kiss.

I kissed him back, smiling. "Good morning to you too."

I set down the plates in front of everyone and brought over the milk and orange juice for them to get settled. I grabbed Caleb from Bryce and set him in his high-chair.

"Ready to eat," I said to Caleb, smiling like a complete fool. He smiled back at me and giggled, throwing his hands in the air and bringing them back quickly.

As I ate, I fed Caleb.

"This is really good." Adeline said.

"Yeah, it is." Bryce and Jonah said afterwards.

I smiled. "Why thank you guys."

They all nodded their heads.

"I'm going to make you start cooking." Jonah teasingly said.

I giggled. "Maybe I will."

And with that, my morning started off amazing. 

For the rest of the day, we all just chilled and played with Caleb, making him a very content baby. 

This was the kind of stuff I loved doing. I loved spending time with my family. 

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