Chapter 22

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Dear Diary,

Just a week ago, I was in New York CIty with my boyfriend, my sister, and her boyfriend. We were all having a good 'ol time, then we got back home. My boyfriend found out that his ex girlfriend is pregnant with his child and she wanted to give the baby up for adoption, but he refused to let it happen. He said he rather have the child to have one of the parents in their life than to have random strangers take care of their baby.

Upon all of this, I decided that I would also be apart the babies life. I want to spend forever with him and if this baby means the world to him, it means the world to me also. I want the baby to know that it is okay to have two fathers. Even two mothers. It shouldn't matter if someone had two fathers, two mothers, or even  a mother and a father. All that should matter is if the kid or kids are getting raised right. Two fathers or two mothers wouldn't mess up with a child's mind. It will teach them that people are different. That not everyone is the same and it is alright to love the same sex. 

Allison is the mother of the beautiful boy. We decided to name him Caleb Michael Masters. 

She is due pretty soon and it's scary. Knowing that a baby is going to come in this world and I'm going to be fathering this baby with my boyfriend. 

Sometimes, in life, you take risks. Either the risk ends well or it doesn't it so well. I think that's the reason people are afraid to take risks; they don't know if it's going to end good or bad. But that is what the whole point of taking is a risk is about. To see if it's worth it or not.

I set down the pen on the notebook and stretch. I get up out of the bed and began making my way downstairs to the kitchen. I grab a Pepsi, close the fridge, and head back upstairs. Adeline was walking out her door when I made it up the stairs.

"What's up?" I said to her.

"About to find something to eat. I'm starving." she rubbed her stomach.

"Want to eat out?"

"That would be amazing! Where at?" she smiled.

"Taco Bell?" I said back, smiling.

"Hell yes!"

I went in my room and set down my Pepsi, then grabbed my car keys. We got in my car and I drove to the local Taco Bell. I got out and then locked the car. We walked in and got in line behind a man and a woman. We began to scan the board. 

"Know what you want?" I asked her.

"Volcano burrito!"

I smiled. "We are so alike. Do you want one or two?"


The elderly woman at the cash register took the other peoples orders and I walked up to the cash register and smiled.

"What would you like, hun?"

"Four volcano burrtos for me and her." I said.

She smiled. "What size drink?"

I looked back at Adeline. "Um, doesn't matter."

"Medium for both." I said. 

"That will be $5.67!"

I handed her exact change and she smiled. We stepped to the side and waited for our food. nWhen our food was ready, we found a table and sat down and began to eat. While eating, Adeline asked more about Allison and the baby.

"Are you moving out?" she said, then took a bite of her food.

"No, not until after I graduate."

She frowned. "I'm going to miss you when you move out."

I frowned back. "Maybe you will be able to come over and spend the night and all with me. I'll talk to mom about it more when time comes around."

Later that night, I laid in bed and decided not to finish the journal entry. I set it on the stand and pulled the covers over me, resting my head on my pillow. I grabbed my phone and pulled up a new message.

Love you, babe. See you tomorrow! xoxo. 

I sent the message and laid there until my phone beeped.

Can't wait to kiss you. xo. :)

I smiled and set my phone down on the stand. I closed my eyes and began to drift off.

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