Chapter 27

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The weeks following have been rough times for both Jonah and I. We don't really get to sleep much because we both take turns taking care of Caleb in the middle of the night. 

I also haven't been home since the night Caleb was born neither. I am becoming home sick and I'm missing both my mother and Adeline. I plan on letting them see Caleb today because only Adeline still knows about him and my Mom thinks I've been spending my times with Jonah. 

When the morning comes and we all wake up, I change Caleb, feed him, then dress him. Jonah and I both then get dressed and begin to make our way over to my house. I unlocked the front door and step in.

"Hello?" I hear my mothers voice echo through the house.

"It's me." I say to her. I make my way to where she is and as soon as she seen Caleb, her eyes light up with pure joy. 

"Who is this cuteness?" she says, touching his chubby cheek.

"Caleb." Jonah says.

She smiles as Jonah hands her Caleb. "He is adorable. Who's the parents?"

My heart flutters and I begin to get nervous. This is the time to tell her. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

She looks at me like she knows what is about to be said. "This isn't yours, I know so. Is it Jonah's?" She looks over at him as he nods his head. 

Her mouth falls open and she looks at us both in shock. "Jonah got a girl pregnant," I began to say, "and she didn't wanna keep it. So we both told her we would take care of him."

She just stands there rocking Caleb and patting his back. She then walks over to the kitchen table and sits down in the chair. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" she asks, sadly.

"I didn't know what you would say, honestly. I didn't know if you would tell me I couldn't take care of him or get mad at me." My heart skips beats with each word I say.

"I don't like the fact that you both rushed into adulthood while having a year left of school. I also don't like the fact that you went behind my back and did this, but I can't really say anything. You both are grown adults and I believe you both have the strength and maturity to step a foot into adulthood." She smiles at both of us.

My heart begins to go back to beating a normal beat and I smile. "Mom, I'm sorry. For not telling you sooner, okay? I was scared. I love Jonah to pieces and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Having a baby might make us have a troubled relationship for awhile but we can get through this. It will only make us stronger." I look at both of them and they are both smiling.

"So, this is my grandson? Caleb is a beautiful name and he is lucky to have two daddies." She kisses his cheek and plays with him.

Jonah walked over to me and kissed my nose. "I love you,"

I smile, "I love you, too."

Later in the day, my Mom made dinner and Adeline played with him for awhile. Caleb fit in this family so easily. It was like he was meant to be here. It was destined.

For once, since Caleb was born, Jonah and I both got alone time for awhile and got a full nights sleep.

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