Chapter 12

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The school week went by pretty fast and on Friday, Adeline, Jonah, and I went to McDonald's and grabbed something quick to eat.

"Only two more weeks of school left!" Adeline said, happily.

"I'm so excited!" Jonah said.

"Same here." I replied back.

We all sat there and finished our food. When we were done, we went back to the car and I started the engine.

"Hey, would you mind taking me to Jo-Anne's?" Adeline asked me.

"No, not at all."

She gave me directions and I drove her there and dropped her off. After I dropped her off, Alex and I thought about going to the movies tonight to see a movie. I dropped him off at his house and then went into mine, walking to the bathroom to go pee. I flushed the toilet and then washed my hands. I then went to my room and changed my clothes, then fell backwards on my bed, relaxing.


Later that night, Alex met me by my car and we got in and I drove to the movie theater. Alex decided to pay today, even though I told him I'd pay for my own. He's such a butt.

While the movie played, I took a hold of his hand and held it. My hand was all sweaty, probably just nerves, even though I wasn't really nervous.

When the movie ended, we left the theater, laughing and holding hands. I turned to him and kissed him, passionately. We headed out the theater and we got in my car.

"Tomorrow night. You and I, we are going to sleep in the tree house." he says while smiling.

"Yes, we shall!"

He smiled at me.

I drove back home and we kissed each other goodnight. I went up to my room and took a quick shower, then went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I then headed back up to my bedroom and watched television until I fell asleep.

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