Chapter 9

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"Whoa." I say, opening my eyes. 

He smilea wide. "What?"  

I blush a little and hide my face. "I missed that kiss. And I didn't expect it." 

He pokes me and I giggle. I then pull him on top of me and start tickling him. He starts to squirm, and that makes me giggle more. 

"Stop! Please, oh my God!"  

I laugh and keep tickling him. He then starts tickling me, also. We both squirm around and laugh so hard that our stomachs hurt.  

"Oh my." I say, trying to catch my breath. 

"I've missed you." He says as he looks in my eyes. 

"I think you already knew I did. From everything." I look down. 

He takes my wrist and pulls it close to him. He pulls my sleeve up and inspects the jagged, ugly scars. 

"They are so deep." He suddenly becomes saddened. 

"I didn't mean it." I look down, feeling a bit upset.

He leans forward and kisses the scars. "You are beautiful, with or without scars." 

I blush more. "You are so sweet." 

He kisses me, hard. I kiss him back. His sweet, soft lips remind me of beautiful memories. I've missed those memories. 

When the kiss finally ends, I catch my breath. It lasted so long that it literally took my breath away.

He blushes a deep crimson red that makes his face look so deeply beautiful. I pull him close and hug him.  

"Thank you for being here." 

"You are welcome."  he says.

He gets up and straightens his clothes out. "I gotta go. Have some unpacking to do." 

I frown. "Okay."  

"Don't be sad." He says, leaning down to kiss me. 

I smile. "Okay." 

"You, me, tonight. You are sleeping over my house." 

"You gotta ask my mom. Kind of on house probation, you could say." 

"Already did." He smiles widely. 

I smile back, widely. "See you tonight." And then I wink at him.

He walks out of the room, and I look out my window and see him walking across the street to his house.



"Let's go." He says, leading me to the tree house. We sit there and talk about everything that  has happened while he was away. 

"I never meant to hurt you." He says. 

"It didn't hurt me," I say, "it killed me." 

He looks down, saddened with the words I just said. "I'm so sorry." 

I hug him. "It's alright. Shit happens."  

He hugs me back. We then went in his house, up to his room. I lay down while he picks a movie to watch. When he finally picks a movie, he climbs in bed and cuddles me, closely. 

The movie was just ending and I kiss his cheek. He looks over at me and then kisses me back, slowly making our way to making out. At that, he gets on top of me, and the kiss deepens. He runs his hands up my shirt. I strip off his shirt, then he does the same to me. Soon, we were both naked. We just look in each other's eyes and smile at each other. I lean in closer to him and kiss him once more.

That night, we made love.

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