Chapter 4

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"You ready to go?" I ask Jonah, getting in my car.

"Hell yes!"

It takes about close to an hour to get to the movie theater. When I pull in the parking space, I stop the car and we get out. As we are walking to pay for our ticket, he takes ahold of my hand and we hold hands.

"It will be $10.50." The lady says. As I pull out my money and try paying for our ticket, Jonah pushes down my hand with the money in it.

"Let me pay." he says, smiling. The lady behind the glass smiles at us both.

After paying, we then go to get our popcorn and drinks. As we enter the theater, we get seats in the back. We munch on our popcorn and sip on our Cherry Coke. He then takes ahold of my hand, and I look at him and smile.

The room goes pitch dark and the movie starts. We watch the movie and he holds me close to him, and I hold him close back. In the middle of the movie, he leans over and kisses me. I felt the sparks fly. It was like a thousand fireworks going off at one time. It was incredible.

When the movie ends, we head back to my car.

"I don't want this night to end." I say to him, truthfully, with a sad look on my face.

"It doesn't have to." He responds back and takes a hold of my hand. I lean over and kiss his tender lips, softly. He kisses me back and the kiss deepens. The kiss felt like it lasted for an hour, but it was probably only a couple minutes. It was the best first kiss I ever had.

I drive back home and we decided on going back to the tree house. When we climb up in to the tree house, we sit down and it is completely silent for about a minute.

"I had fun tonight." Jonah says.

"I did too. It was amazing."

He smiles at me and looks down.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"N-nothing." He says, holding back tears.

I take a hold of his hand. "You can tell me anything. I won't be mad."

He just sits there for a minute. He's probably trying to think of all the right words to say.

"There's something I have to tell you." He says, looking in my eyes. "And it might hurt you."

My heart instantly drops down to my stomach. My heart starts to flutter and my hands begin to shake.

"O-okay." I say. "Tell me."

"Well," he begins, "there's this girl that I was talking to back before I moved and she lived around me, but then I found out I was moving and we didn't know what to do."

He stops and doesn't say anything more.

"So?" I ask, confused.

"We were dating, Alex." He says, letting tears roll down his cheek. "And we never broke up. She's supposed to come here for vacation."

"Oh." I say, looking down.

"I'm so sorry." Is all he said.

"I...I gotta go." I say and rush out of the tree house.

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