Chapter 26

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The baby is quietly is sleeping in Jonah's bed. I'm sitting on the floor across from him and we are playing cards, patiently waiting for the next noise that the baby makes.

As I went to lay down my next card in UNO, the baby began to make a fussing noise and Jonah and I both shot up, going straight for the baby.

"Sh, it's OK, darling." I say to him to calm him down.

Jonah rubs his back but the baby begins to cry and I had the instinct to pick him up and hold him. "Sh, it is alright." I keep saying over and over again.

Jonah sits down on the bed as I walk back and forth and rock the baby in my arms. 

"Want me to make a bottle?" he asked. 

"That would be helpful," I smile.

As Jonah went downstairs to make the bottle, I kept rocking him in my arms to calm him down. When he kept fussing, I laid him down on the bed and checked his diaper. Phew, I plugged my nose and began to grab everything to change him.

As I finished changing Caleb, Jonah came back with the bottle. I handed him the dirty diaper and took the bottle. I picked Caleb back up and gave the bottle, he began to drink the formula and quieted down. While he was finishing the bottle, I looked in his eyes and smiled. He is beautiful. He has caramel brown eyes with brown  hair. His skin is a perfect color and he is all around beautiful.

Jonah walked back in the room and sat beside me and smiled as he looked at Caleb. "Isn't he adorable?" he asked me, looking in my eyes.

"Yes, he is." I smiled and kissed him. 

Jonah kissed me back and then leaned down and kissed baby Caleb on the cheek. He giggled. 

"He must love your kisses as much as I do." I said, teasingly. 

Jonah laughed and then kissed me. "I love your kisses just as much as his formula-slobber kisses.

I blushed a little. "I love you both. I don't know where I honestly would be without you both. Especially you, Jonah."

Jonah stared in my eyes and then took Caleb. We both looked at Caleb and had the biggest smile on our faces.

"Caleb will always love you, even if you really aren't his real parent. He will know it is alright to have two daddies and then a mommy. He will love you just as much as I do."

I grinned and then kissed Caleb on the cheek. "I'll love him as much too."

Caleb is a blessing from God. Without him, Jonah and I's relationship wouldn't have grown as big as it did. This beautiful baby boy is the biggest blessing ever.


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