Chapter 21

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I laid there in bed going through everything that happened yesterday. The sun is shining through the curtains and I hear the birds chirping. I didn't feel like getting up right now beside there is too much on my mind. I'm going to be like a father to a baby that really isn't mine. It's going to be weird and I don't know what's all going to happen.

Finally, I get up out of bed and walked over to my closet and throw on a pair of shorts and a tank-top. I walk down the stairs and go in to the kitchen where Adeline is grabbing cereal from the cupboard.

"Good morning." I said, kind of startling her.

"Morning." she say back.

I get a bowl and a spoon and we both pour cereal in our bowl and then milk. We sit down at the table and start eating.

"So, what happened yesterday?" she asked me, taking a bite of her cereal.

"Too freaking much."

She laughed. "And too much is?"

"Allison, the girl, is pregnant and he wants to keep the baby and wants me to be apart of the babies life."

She nearly choked on her cereal. Her eyes got big and she just looked at me.

"What?" she said.

"Yeah." I started to chew my food.

She sat there for a minute, twirling her spoon around. "Are you going to do it?"

"Do what?" I ask.

"Be apart of the babies life."


She half-smiled and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, scooping cereal on my spoon.

"I think you could do it."


At that, we stayed quiet for the rest of the time.

Later that day, I was hanging out with Jonah and we were sitting in the tree house. We have been up here for nearly an hour kissing and making out, being weird and just being crazy. Now we are sitting up against the wall and I'm laying in his lap.

"Are you sure you want to really do this?" he asked me, playing with my hair.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

He smiled, then leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I hope so."

I kissed his tender lips and he deepens the kiss. We kiss for a minute and then I looked in his eyes. He gave me a smile that warmed my heart and my heart began to pitter patter. I poked his side and he flinched.

"Nooooo!" he drug out the o

I giggled and poked him again. At that, he laid me on the ground, got on top of me and began to tickle me. I wiggled and tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't. I was laughing so hard, I felt naseous. He kept tickling me and I wiggled some more and then finally he stopped. I took a deep breath and began to breathe in and out of my mouth. He smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him down. I began to tickle him back and he laughed so hard, it was addicting to hear his laugh. His face got red and he kept laughing. He then grabbed my hands. 

"No more." he giggled.

I laughed. "Alright."

We both laid side-by side looking up at the ceiling. I looked over and saw him looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you know you are very cute."

"Oh, stop it. I am not!"

He gave me the death stare. I giggled at him.

"You are cuter." I said to him.


He leaned over and kissed me. 

I know that my life is moving way too quickly, but I believe that anything with Jonah is what I want. I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I want to raise a family with him. He is my true love. My soul mate.

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