Chapter 30

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I woke up feeling happy. Last night was probably the best night I had in awhile because of all the over-thinking and shit. He made me forget about all of it and that was good. I needed to forget about it because it was probably nothing, at all.

No one was awake when I got up, so I didn't want to waste any of my free time before Caleb got up. I made myself some food and sat down at the kitchen table and ate. As I was eating, I kept remembering the conversation I overheard the other day and it kept killing me, slowly. It made me think that something bad was going to happen. And I couldn't go a second time with something bad happening between both of us, especially since Caleb was in the picture now.

As I was rinsing off my plate, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Jonah walked in and kissed my cheek. "Good morning," he said.

"Morning." I smiled.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked.

"There is eggs and some bacon left if you want it."

He smiled and went to get him some. He went to the table and sat down in the chair, then I sat down beside him.

"So, babe," he said in between bites, "I noticed lately that there is something wrong. Care to confess and tell me what it is?" He looked over at me with serious eyes.

"It's nothing," I said, knowing I am lying.

"I know you're lying." he said.

"I'm scared to talk about it, okay?" 

"Why?" he asks.

"Because," I said, "I kind of overheard you the other day on the phone and you were saying some things that made me believe you were cheating on me or even going to leave me."

He sighed and grabbed my hand. "I'm not going anywhere, let alone cheating. I was talking to my Mother, okay? I was telling her a secret and you will soon find out what it is."

My heart felt like it finally loosened up a bit. I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. 

"Good." is all I could think to say back.

He finished eating and then we went back up to my bedroom. We laid in bed with one another for a little bit and just stared into each other's eyes. We let the connection of our love speak for awhile. I kissed his sweet, tender lips to let him know that I love him. He kissed me back and then I just laid there, wrapped in his arms. 

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