Chapter 31

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Adeline was sitting on the porch swing when I walked out the front door. I walked over and sat beside her.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"Too much." she confessed.

I sat there for a minute, thinking of how I should approach the subject. "Explain it to me. I'm all ears."

She looked at me, "Oh, you are suddenly all ears now?" she spat. "Because it hasn't been seeming that way lately."

I was flabbergasted by her sudden come back. "What. . . what do you mean?"

"Ever since that damn baby was born, you've been ignoring me. It seems you don't even give a damn anymore."

We sit there in silence for a moment.

"Adeline, I'm sorry. I didn't plan for this to happen, but it did. I love Jonah and I will do anything to keep him around. And I also love you."

She smirked a little. "I love you, too. I just wish we could go back to the days when you and I talked about anything and everything. When we sat there for hours in your room and bonded. I feel like I'm losing you and I hate it."

"Sis," I said, "you aren't or never will lose me. Whenever you need me, come to me. Even if I'm with Caleb, okay? Don't be afraid. I'm all ears. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

She hugged me, tightly. I hugged her back, keeping her tight in my arms for a moment. 

"So, how have you and Bryce been?" I ask after we let go of the hug.

"Eh, we haven't seen each other in awhile. It seems we are pulling away from one another."

"Did you try and ask if he wanted to come over or you go over there?" 

"No." she said. "We both have no way over there. We don't drive. His mom works and well, I felt like you were too busy."

I smiled and gave her my phone. "Here," I said, "call him and ask if he wants to come over and have dinner with us. I'll go pick him up."

She smiled big and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

A little later in the day, after picking up Bryce, everyone sat around the dinner table and was chowing down their food.

"I want to thank you again for letting me come over and enjoy this delicious meal." Bryce said to me.

"You are welcome. Adeline was expressing to me how much she missed you and you guys haven't seen each other in awile. Also, I owed her." I smiled.

Everyone smiled. 

For the rest of the night, we all played games and enjoyed one anothers company. For the first time in quite some time, it felt like a real family. A family that I love.

The next morning, I woke up feeling like a zombie. My whole body ached for some reason and I didn't want to even get up out of bed. 

I rolled over and noticed that Jonah wasn't in bed, nor was Caleb in his crib. I got up, groggily, and made my way down the stairs. They were in the living room, both on the floor. I plop down on the floor and kissed Jonah on the forehead. 

"How ya feeling?" he asks me, smiling.

"I feel like shit. My body aches and I feel like I'm dead."

He frowns and kisses me. "Maybe you're getting sick, babe."

"Maybe." I said, then laid down on the floor, while Caleb climbed on me.

Jonah lifted him off me. "No, sweetie. Daddy doesn't feel good today."

Caleb squealed in response and began to get fussy. On cue, I got up and took him from Jonah's arms. "It's okay, babe. I can hold him."

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm positive." I smile.

I spent the rest of the day feeling like shit, but spending time with Caleb and Jonah. Adeline spent her time with Bryce.

They came in the living room to watch a movie with Jonah and I after we laid Caleb down for bed.

I laid in Jonah's arms and he held me close. I looked over to where Adeline and Bryce were sitting and they were sound asleep, safe in each others arms. They were so cute together and I know this was supposed to happen. This is life. Life led us in this direction and made us remind ourselves of where we are supposed to be, who we are supposed to be with, and why we are with them.

I love Jonah, so much. I also love Caleb and Adeline and my Mom. They all mean the world to me and I can't wait to spend forever with Jonah.

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