Chapter 14

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Today is our last day of school. I am excited, but also nervous. Next year I will be a senior and then I'll graduate and I will have to find out what I all want to do after school. Maybe I will go to NYU for a writing degree, or I'll stick around here and find a job.

I woke up extra early today for no reason at all. I got up out of bed, groggily. Walking zombie-like to the bathroom to run the shower water. As it was heating up, I stripped all my clothes off and then stepped in the shower. I massaged shampoo and conditioner in my hair and then rinsed it out. I then washed my body, letting the water fall down on my body.

After I was done, I stepped out the shower, dried off, then wrapped the towel around my waist to walk over to my bedroom. I went to my closet and picked out a pair of white shorts and a white tank top and put all my clothes on. After I got dressed, I went over to Adeline's room and woke her up.

"Wake up, Adeline. Last day of school!"

She shot up out of bed. "Woohoo!"

I laughed and then went downstairs to fix us up both breakfast. We had eggs and toast with a cup of coffee. I rinsed my plate off and then rinsed out my cup. I ran up the stairs to brush my teeth, then flossed. After I got done, I grabbed my car keys and then headed down the stairs to get ready to leave.

When we got outside, Alex was walking up the stairs.

"Hey!" Alex said, seeing us.

"Good morning." Adeline said, hugging him.

I kissed him and then hugged him. "Morning, babe."

"Awe!" Adeline cooed.

We both laughed.

We all got in the car and I drove to school. When we got there, Alex and I took our time to get to first mod. All we were going to do is hand in our things and then clean our lockers. We get a half day today.

We got to our first period, handed our textbook in, gave her the class novel she handed out to us and then she went on to say how she will miss us and couldn't wait to see our shining faces next year.

By lunchtime, our lockers were spotless, and we handed in everything that we needed to, so we all got to leave. Alex and I waited for Adeline to come rushing out the building. We waited for about five minutes before she came out.

"Sorry, guys. I had to say goodbye to everyone and I had to get all my stuff." She lifted all her stuff up to support it. She tossed her stuff in the back seat and then got in. Alex got in the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat. I drove to Kurlee so we could grab a bite to eat for lunch. When we entered through the door, the smell of burgers and pickles wafted through the air. The building was made into a boat theme. It had an anchor hanging on the wall, even a life jacket. The seats were wooden and the old lady came to our table and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Eveline. I'm your waiter for today. Are you guys ready to order or should I give you a few more minutes?"

"Um," I said, "just a few more minutes and we should be ready." I looked up at her and smiled.

"Alrighty." She smiled and then walked away to another table.

A couple minutes she came back. "Ready?"

"Yes! I would like a burger with fries." Alex said.

"Okay," she said, writing it down on the notepad, "and for your drink?"

"Coke, please."

She looked at me and smiled. "And for you?"

"Same thing." I smiled.

"Same for me too." Adeline said.

"Alright. I'll be back with your drinks."

She walked away.

"She probably thinks we are all weird getting the same stuff." Adeline said, laughing.

"Probably." I smirked.

"We are just that cool." Alex said.

We all laughed. A second later, she came back with all our drinks.

"Thank you." We all said in unison.

"Very well-mannered teens you guys are. I wish my son was like that, but you guys are welcome." She smiled.

"Who's your son?" Alex asked her.

"His name is Bryce. He goes to Union High."

"We go to the same school. I know a Bryce. Is his last name Monroe?" Adeline asked, happily.

"That's him." She smirked.

"He is a cutie." Adeline giggled.

"Yes, yes he is." The waiter smiled, happily. "Say, you wouldn't be miss Adeline would you?"

"That's me." Adeline looked confused.

She smiled. "He talks about you all the time!"

"R-really?" She asked.

"Yes! He said you're quite a cutie and I would have to agree."

She blushed. "We hung out like twice."

"I think my dear boy likes you. Say, give me a call sometime and you can come have dinner over my house. All of you." She wrote her number on pad paper and handed it to Adeline.

"Thank you! I sure will do."

She walked away. She then came back and handed us or food. We thanked her and then we began to eat. While we ate, we talked about going to New York City for a week during summer vacation.

"Do you want to go, Adeline?" I ask.

"Hell yes!" She said, excitedly.

Alex laughed. "It will be fun."

We then finished eating, split the bill and gave the waiter a tip. We left and went back home. Alex came over for a little bit because we all were going to have a movie night. First we watched Monsters Inc, then we started watching scary movies, such as; IT, Insidious, and then Sinister. After Sinister was over, Alex had to leave.

"Goodbye and goodnight." He said to Adeline while hugging her.

He walked over to me and kissed me deep and passionately. "I had fun today. Thank you."

"You are welcome, babe."

He kissed me again, then hugged me. "Goodnight, sweet love. I'll see you tomorrow."

He then left and walked out the door. I watched out the curtains as he crossed the road, walking inside his door. I smiled for a minute, just out of randomness. It was probably because I was happy and my life was starting to go in a great direction. I'm glad things are finally working out and turning for the better.

I walked upstairs to fall asleep, dreaming happy thoughts about Alex and I.

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