Chapter 5

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I run all the way home, through the front door and straight to my bedroom. I slam my door shut, not bothering if anyone is sleeping or not.

I lay on my bed, letting the tears fall down my face. I can't believe this. I was happy and so was he. I didn't think this would happen. I'm such a dumb ass!

"What's wrong?" Adeline says, opening my door.

"Nothing." I say, wiping the tears away.

She sits down on the edge of my bed and looks right at me. "I know something is wrong. You were just happy a couple of hours ago, but now you are crying."

I just lay there, letting the tears fall down more. I didn't know what to say to her or anyone. "I don't know. Jonah said he had a girlfriend. Since he came here."

"What?!" She says madly. "Why the hell would he go on a date with you then?"

"I don't know." I say, looking up at the ceiling.

"He didn't tell you?" She asks.

"I didn't give him time."

She lays down beside me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry, Alex."

And at that, she comforts me for the rest of the night.


I wake up with my face feeling puffy. I sit up and look around, running my fingers through my hair. I go to the bathroom and start the water. I look in the mirror and see my reddened face. I then step in the shower, letting the water hit my face. I just stand in the shower for a minute, not caring about being late or not.

After what feels like an hour to me, I finally begin to wash my hair and body. I step out the shower and get dressed.

I run down the stairs to find Adeline. She was in the kitchen.

"Come on." I say to her, grumpily, grabbing my keys.

"You aren't going to eat?" She asks.

"Not hungry." I say, then walk out the front door.

As I am walking to the car, I see Jonah walking out his door. I hop in my car and wait for Adeline.


Arriving at school, I rush to my locker and then to first mod. I keep my head down low and don't say a word to anyone. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Jonah sits beside me. He looks over at me, frowning. Am I supposed to say something to him? Or am I supposed to leave him alone and ignore him?


When lunch time comes around, I just go to my car and sit in there.

My phone starts to vibrate. I look down at the screen and see that it was Jonah calling. I just let it ring and I begin to cry. I let the tears roll down my cheeks like a waterfall.

I cry the whole time of our lunch mod.

I soon wipe the tears away, sucking it up and walk back into the building.

Three more classes. That's all I have left.

I go to my next class five minutes early and sit down.


As the bell rings for the end of last mod, I rush to find Adeline to leave.

"You OK?" Adeline asks as we get in the car.

"Hanging in there." Is all I say back.

When we get home, I rush to my bedroom. I plop down on my bed and sit there. I look at my phone, and it says I have one new voicemail. I dial the number to my voicemail and listen to it.

Listen, Alex, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please. I really do like you and I should have told you before we got this close, but I was scared. He goes silent for a minute and I hear him sniffle and begin to cry. I love you, Alex. Please call me back. He then hangs up.

I delete the voicemail, then I shut my phone off and go straight to bed. I don't care about anyone right now.

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