Chapter 11

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I woke up, groggily. Today is the first day back from spring break and I'm not anywhere close to wanting to go back to school.  

I get out of bed, get a quick shower, change, then run down the stairs to get a quick breakfast. 

"Morning." Adeline said to me. 

"Good morning." I grabbed the Fruity Pebbles box and poured some in a bowl. I got the milk out and then started to eat. 

"Ready for today?" I ask Adeline. 

"Not really, but it's closer to the end of the year." She sighs. 

"This is my last year."  I say, rubbing it in her face just a little.

"You are so lucky!" She said to me, sighing louder than needed. 

"High school will fly by, Adi." 

She smiled and then I grabbed my keys and we walked out the door.  

"I wonder if Jonah needs a ride." I said. 

"Ask him." she says back.

I pull out my phone and brought up a blank message.  

ME: Need a ride?

A minute later, after we got in the car, he replied.  

JONAH: Yes, please! Coming now!

At that, we saw him running out the door, over to the car. He hopped in the front seat and leaned over and kissed me. 

"Aw!" Adeline cooed. 

I gave her an evil glare and she laughed at me.  

When I pulled in the parking space, I stopped the car and we all got out. I took a hold of Jonah's hand. We walked in the school and went to our lockers. 

"Look at those faggots." A jock said to his buds. 

"We don't need you queers sparkling up our school. Kill yourselves!" The other one said. 

"Do us a favor and not speak for one goddamn minute of your lives. Oh, and also, if you do want to speak, at least speak some common sense." Jonah retorted back to them. 

I giggled a little.

We went straight to the class and ignored them. 


At lunch time, we decided to eat lunch at school today. We sat at the empty table in the front. We talked about our classes today and how close senior year is. 

"I can not believe senior year is almost over!" Jonah said to me. 

"Same here. It's scary." 

He smiled. "Hopefully we keep in touch."  

"We will." I said.

We finished our lunch and then the bell rung.

Three more classes left. 


When school ended, I drove home and Adeline left school with one of her friend, so it was only Jonah and I.  

"What shall we do today?" I asked him. 

"Anything you want to do, really." 

We sat there and thought of things to do.  

"Let's hang out in the tree house. We should decorate it." 

He smiled at me, then kissed me. "Let's go!" 

We first went to the store and bought different supplies. After we were done, we went to the tree house. We bought plastic to put over the windows in case it rained. We didn't want anything to get ruined. After we put the plastic on, we put up curtains. They were a lime green color. We then started putting wallpaper that was neon green all over the walls and floors. We also had printed out photos of both of us and we plastered them all over the walls. We then decorated it with whatever we had left.  

After we were done, we laid on our backs, looking up at the ceiling.  

"That was fun." He said, looking at me. 

"I think so, too." I kissed him.  

He looked at me, then all around. 

"What? Do you not like it?" I asked. 

"No, I love it. I think we need to bring some pillows and blankets up here. You know, to sleep in it." 

I smiled at him. "Great thinking."


That night, I laid in my bed, watching television. 

My phone suddenly vibrated.

JONAH: Can't wait to see you. I miss your touch already.

I smiled, then replied back to him.

ME: I miss you too, boo. :)

I set my phone down, pulled the cover up and over me and wrapped my body up in a cocoon. I then drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of Jonah and I.

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