Chapter 2

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"Hey, Alex!" Jonah says, running out the door.

I turn around and see him coming towards me.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Do you mind giving me a ride?" He asks, trying to catch his breath.

"Sure. Hop in."

Him and Adeline get in the car and Adeline sits in the back to allow Jonah to sit beside me. Typical her.

"So, Jonah," Adeline says, leaning close to him, "tell me a little about yourself."

"Adeline-" I try cutting her off, but Jonah interrupts before I can finish.

"No, it's fine, Alex. What would you like to know about me?" He asks Adeline, smiling.

"Hm. Tell us where you came from, why you came here, and anything else you would like to let us know."

He smiles, looks at me, then back at her. "Well, I'm originally from California and my family and I moved here because of some issues we had. Also, I'm seventeen, I like to play guitar and I'm bisexual."

Adeline snickers. "Ooh, did you know Alex is gay?"

"Oh, really." He says, smiling.

"Yes!" She says, giggling like a fool.

Oh boy, today is going to get a bit weird.


Adeline sits back in her seat as I pull in my parking space at school. As I stop the car, Alex lets Adeline out.

"Again, it was nice to meet you, Jonah. Hopefully we get to see more of each other." She says, smiling and marches off to her friends.

"You, too!" He shouts back at her.

"So," I say, "sorry about that."

"It's cool. She seems really sweet."

I snicker. "Sometimes."

Jonah and I both walk with one another to our lockers and then we go to our first mod class. I don't know how my sister knew, but somehow it feels like I'm developing some sort of feelings for him; but I'll keep that on the down low and get to know him first. Hopefully, in some sort of way, he likes me back sooner or later.

As lunchtime came around, I waited for Jonah to get to his locker so I can see if he wanted to go somewhere to eat instead of eating this schools foul lunch.

"Hey, you wanna go somewhere to eat?" I ask when I see him walking towards me.

"Yeah, I would like that." he says back, smiling.

He put his stuff in his locker and then we go to find a place to eat. When we arrive at the local mini-lot--it's a small restaurant in our town--we sit down at a booth and we order our food.

"How do you like school so far?" I say to start a conversation.

"Eh." He says, shaking his hand back and forth.


"Yeah, it's just weird to come to a completely different state, start at a school where you have to meet new people and such." He says, taking a sip of water. "But I'm glad I met you."

I feel myself blush a little when he says that. "I'm glad I met you, too."

We kept our conversation going as we ate our food, trying to hurry up and get back to school on time.


When we arrive back at school, we go to get our things and head our separate ways to our classes. It's a weird feeling knowing I just met someone yesterday and I'm already having these weird feelings for him. Little does he know that I think I like him, but also, I never had a real relationship before. But that time will come when it has to be spoken about.

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