Chapter 23

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Today, Jonah and I were going to hang out. What we were going to do was not exactly figured out yet, but we will think of something to do. Unless he planned something.

I got out of bed and began to make my way over to the shower. I ran the water and waited for it to warm up. I stripped off my clothes and stepped in the shower, feeling the water hit my body. At first it felt like a fire was beginning on my body, but my body soon got used to the warmthness of the water. I began to wash my hair, then body. After the shower, I stepped out and began to dry off my body. 

I walked over to my bedroom and shut the door. I picked out my outfit for the day. It consisted of a plain white t-shirt and white skinny jeans. After getting dressed, I walked over to my stand picked my phone up and checked my messages.

When you coming over, babe?

I hit REPLY and began to text away. Soon, darling. I am about to be leaving. See you in five!

I put my phone in my pocked and walked downstairs. I began to make my way out the door but then Adeline stopped me.

"Where you going?"

I turned around and smiled. "Jonah's house. I'll be back for dinner."

She smiled at me. "I'll be back around that time also. Bryce's mom is coming to pick me up."

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "See ya."


I shut the door behind me and walked across the street.  As soon as I knocked on the door, Jonah came out and embraced me in a loving hug. 

"I missed you babe!" he kissed me over and over again.

I smiled in between the kiss. "I missed you too."

He took my hand and lead me to his bedroom. I shut the door behind me and climbed in his bed. He looked in my eyes and smiled. I kissed him and he kissed back, harder. Soon, we were laying on our backs and making out. Times like this are the ones I want to remember forever.

"So, it's closer to the due date."

"I know." I gave him a frown, but smiled.

"You nervous?" he asked, kissing my cheek.

"A bit."

He kissed me. "It will be alright. I'll be doing most of it."

"No, no, no. I want to help you, no matter what. Even if I feel like giving up, it will be worth raising a child with you."

He smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He began to tickle my sides and I squirmed around, not letting go of him.

"Oh my God, stop!"

He giggled and kept tickling me. "Nope!"

He kept tickling me for a good minute and then fell off of me, laying with his hand on his stomach while I caught my breathe. I looked over at him and smiled. He stuck his tongue out and I poked his stomach. He flinched and I attacked him with kisses all over his face.

"Oh, babe. You kill me." he giggled.

"You are the one killing me."

He pulled me close together and kissed me hard. I blushed in the kiss and kept kissing him. 

"I love you," he said to me.

"I love you, too." 

For the rest of the night, all we did was lay in his bed, watch movies and mess around. I love spending times with Jonah because he keeps me sane and he makes me so damn happy.

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