Chapter 32

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As the days flew by, I stayed in bed and did nothing because I am sick. I have a cold and I can't risk getting Caleb sick, nor anyone else.While laying in bed, I reached over and grabbed the television remote. I turned on the T.V and began to search through the channels to find something to watch. It's only four in the afternoon, so nothing was really on besides Ellen. I turned it on and began to watch it. I love Ellen, a lot. She had a lot of courage to come out on national television in front of millions of people on her own show. She is the true definition of a brave hero.

As I was watching Ellen, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

Adeline walked in and sat down on my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I said, smiling.

She giggled and patted my hand. "I hope you get better soon. We all miss you hanging out with us and Caleb misses you more than ever."

"I miss you all too. It sucks being sick, but I am feeling better."

"Good. Hopefully you will get better soon."

"Me, too." I said.

At that, she walked out the door and closed it behind her.

The next day was like a miracle. I finally began to feel better and I am able to be around everyone.

I was feeding Caleb while Jonah was making breakfast for all of us.

"It smells delicious, babe." I said.

"Thank you." he giggled.

I gave Caleb his bottle and then carried him up to his crib, so he could take a nap.After putting him to sleep, I got Bryce and Adeline and told them that breakfast was ready. My mom had to go in to work early today for a meeting.

We all sat around the table and ate our food. The smell of the food wafted in all of our noses and made our stomachs growl repeatedly. The food tasted amazing and filled us all up.

"This was the best meal I have ever had." Bryce said.

I laughed. So did Adeline.

"Yes it was." I said.

Adeline nodded her head in agreement.

Times like these are the times that I love the most. They remind me that no matter what bad thing happened in the past, this will make up for all of it.

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