Chapter 28

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I finally put Caleb back to sleep and laid down in my bed right next to Jonah-who is sound asleep and took over half of my bed-and pulled him close to me, feeling his heart beat against mine in perfect harmony.

I kissed his cheek and laid there, staying at him and did not plan to sleep. I planned on waiting for Caleb to wake up again and let Jonah sleep. He has been doing a lot more and I feel as if he is getting annoyed with it or something. Maybe it is just my nerves.

As I laid there, my eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a drifting sleep.

When I woke up, Jonah nor Caleb was in the room. I hurried out of bed and rushed down the stairs. I heard Jonah's voice as he talked to someone on the phone and fed Caleb.

"Yeah, he will never know. I promise." I hear Jonah say to the stranger on the other line. My heart begins to flutter with nerves and I stand there and listen to more of the conversation.

"I don't think he even knows about any of this. I want to wait a couple days and then do it, okay? I'll tell you when."

At that, he hung up the phone and I backed against the stand and hit my hip. Ouch, I bit my lip. I then walked in to the kitchen, right past him.

"Good morning, babe." he said, smiling.

"Morning." I said and sat down by Caleb.

He gave me a concern look. "What's wrong?" 

I looked in his eyes. "Oh, nothing. Just a bit tired."

"Are you sure?" he asked, sounding more concerned.

"I promise, babe." I lied.

We sat there eating breakfast in silence. We both didn't even look at one another and I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon. I can feel it in my aching bones.

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