Chapter 16

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Adeline, Jonah, and I all had a blast at Eveline's house with Bryce. Eveline is such a nice lady and Bryce seemed like a really down-to-earth kid. He seems good for Adeline. 

The next day, I got all my stuff ready for New York City. I got my bags and started packing clothes for a week vacation there. I also packed necessities that I need. Like, deodarant, cologne, toothpaste and toothbrush. I also am going to take a book with me. Just for fun. 

When I got done packing all my things and walked over to Adelines room. 

"Hey, got your stuff ready?" I asked.

"Almost done." 

I smiled at her and she looked at me. "You excited Bryce is allowed to come to New York with us?"

"Oh my God, yes! I am so happy that I get to spend some alone time with him and have fun."

It wil be us four. Having fun in Time Square and getting a life of the city. Looking around at all the bright lights lit up at night and all the people walking around. Having fast-paced cars speeding past us on the streets. It will all just be for fun. 

"Maybe, when you get older and we are all still together, we could move up there." I looked at her and smiled.

She grinned a big smile. "I would love that."

"You only have three more years till you turn eighteen and I am close to turning eighteen."

"I can't wait."

I walked out her room and went downstairs. Maybe I should go visit Jonah. I walked out the front door and crossed the street, ringing the doorbell.

"Hey, babe." Jonah said, kissing me.

I kissed him back. "Hello."

I walked in the house and we went upstairs to his bedroom. I saw that his room was a bit messy with clothes everywhere and things scattered all over the place.

"A bit messy, huh?" I smirked at him.

"Yeah, gotta clean up and get my stuff ready for New York City."

I smiled at him. "My stuff is all ready."

He gave me a look that said you would already be done. I smiled at him.

"You're such a weirdo." he said.

I smacked my lips together. "You love my weirdness though."

He nodded his head.

I walked up to him and kissed him. He smiled and looked in my eyes.

I poked his stomach and he giggled. He picked me up and laid me on his bed, gently. 

I looked in his beautiful eyes and smiled. He kissed my lips and I felt a spark fly high. Many sparks at that.

I felt the warmth of his body heat on me. He ran his hands up my shirt and the kiss deepened.

I stripped of his shirt, then pulled off mine. I felt his body grind against mine and I kissed his lips more. His tongue ran in circles around mine and I loved every minute of it. 

In approximately a minute, all of our clothes were off and his naked body was against mine. The heat got hotter and it felt like you were in a room that was on fire. My hands roamed every inch of his beautiful body and he moaned in between the kiss. 

For the second time, we made love.

When it was over, we laid side-by-side, breathing heavily. I felt like I ran a mile and I enjoyed every minute of it. He looked in my eyes and smiled. I kissed his cheek and turned to face him. I pulled his body close to me and embraced him.

"Want to take a shower?" I asked.

"We shall."

We got up out of the bed and went over to the shower naked, not caring if anyone was home. We ran the water and got in. The water hit our bodies and rolled down, soothing every muscle in my body. We began to wash our hair, then our bodies. When we were done, we stepped out and dried our bodies off.

We walked over to his bedroom and then put our clothes back on. I checked my phone and it said it was seven-thirty seven. 

"Oh, crap." I said. "My mom will get worried and wonder what happened to me. I better get home."

He frowned, then came over to me and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and he kept kissing me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"See you, babe."

I went back over to my house and went in to the kitchen. My mom was standing over the stove, cooking.

"Hey, honey." she said.

"Hello. I was over at Jonah's house."

"It's fine. I supposed you were."

I smiled, then helped my mom set the table. We then all sat down at the table.

For a week, it will only be me, Jonah, Adeline, and Bryce. All alone in a big city.

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