Chapter 27

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I let myself into the suite and was surprised to find a bottle of champagne chilling in the living room area. There was also a platter of chocolate dipped strawberries, and I wondered if the chocolate was vegan or if Shawn wasn't super picky about that kind of thing.

After freshening up, I tried to decide if I should slip into some lingerie or if I should let Shawn undress me. Some people enjoyed unwrapping their partner like a gift, and I didn't want to deny him that pleasure. Another option was to get completely naked and wait for him in bed. That felt like too much, and there was always the slight chance someone like his bodyguard might enter the suite with him. I could do without that level of embarrassment, so I chose to remain clothed, though I did remove one item along with my boots and socks.

Taking a seat on the sofa, I admired the view from my window. Vegas was lit up in a way that was both beautiful and gaudy, and I loved it. I hadn't traveled much in my twenty-three years, mainly because when I was younger, my dad didn't want to leave the bakery for more than a day. Once I was independent, I didn't have the means. The girls and I went on a couple weekend getaways, but they were always within driving distance and we tended to stay in cheap hotels. Shawn probably had no idea how much the first class flights and luxurious accommodations meant to three women who lived paycheck to paycheck.

I heard the click of the electronic key and looked over towards the door which opened a crack.

"Thanks man, I'll see you tomorrow," I heard Shawn say to someone in the hall. Then he stepped into the suite and gave me a warm smile. "Sorry I took so long. Are you hungry? Do you want room service?"

"I ate something from that nice spread you provided after the show, so I'm good. If you need to eat, please get something."

"I had a hummus wrap. The menu here isn't great for me, though they'd probably customize something if I asked nicely," he said as he sat down next to me.

"Is that why you'd get special treatment? Because of your Canadian manners? Or is it because you're a huge celebrity?"

He laughed. "Maybe a little bit of both. I need to shower, but I promise I'll be quick. Should I open this champagne before I go in the bathroom?"

"I'd rather wait until you come out."

He gave me a kiss. "Sorry if I stink. I sweat a lot on stage."

"You don't. In fact you smell kinda sexy."

"If I raised my arm you might think differently."

Shawn stood up and went over to his luggage to get his shower kit, and then he stepped in the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. A minute later I heard the water running, and I let myself imagine him naked and wet as he soaped up his perfect body. I involuntarily emitted a small moan when I thought of how that body would be on top of mine very soon. Would he freak out if I surprised him in the shower? He didn't lock the door, but that wasn't necessarily an invitation. Maybe he needed this time to decompress. I decided to continue my fantasy instead of disturbing him.

When Shawn emerged ten minutes later, I was ready to jump him. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet and tousled. He grabbed some sweats and went into the bedroom area to change into them, though he graciously opted not to wear a shirt. As he opened the bottle of Dom Perignon, I breathed in the scent of his shampoo and body wash.

"Here's to you joining me for this stop on tour," he said as he held up his glass after handing me mine.

"And here's to you being incredibly generous."

"I firmly believe in spending the money I make on others if it brings happiness. What's the point of doing all this if I can't spread joy?"

"When I first met you, I knew there was a depth behind the beautiful exterior, but you continue to surprise me. You're a really good person, Shawn," I said sincerely.

"Thanks, but I'm not always so good. I get really uncomfortable when people put me on a pedestal because when I fuck up like every human does occasionally, they end up extra disappointed in me."

I wasn't sure how to respond to this since it sounded like a warning, so I took a sip of the champagne and then picked up one of the strawberries and bit into it. "You should try one of these."

"Maybe later. I think you need to change into something more comfortable. That top is hot as fuck, but it looks like it might hurt."

"It's not bad, but don't be shocked if there are a few marks from the boning."

"That's what these vertical things are called?" he asked as he reached out and ran a finger along one.

"Yep. The ones in this top are pretty flexible and are more for show. Others can hurt like hell."

I got up and removed my jacket before sitting sideways on his lap. We started to kiss, and as things escalated, his hand moved up my thigh to my hip. A surprised look formed on his face. "You're not wearing anything under your skirt?"

I shook my head no.

"Did you go to my show like that?"

"Of course not. I would have flashed someone when I was jumping around dancing."

His hand moved to the curve of my ass and he cupped it firmly while he kissed my neck right below my ear. "You turn me on so much," he whispered. "Which is going to make tonight so much harder."

I pulled away. "What do you mean?"

He gave me a quick peck on my lips. "We're not having sex, Lucy."

"What?" I could not believe what I'd just heard.

"After you came to my dressing room, I started thinking about how you thought I had Jake get you so that we could fuck. You think that's why I flew you here, too. Am I wrong?"

"I thought it was part of why you wanted to see me," I admitted.

"I was looking forward to it, but I want to prove a point to you that this isn't only about sex. I like you a lot and spending time with you makes me really happy. That's what I want to do tonight- just spend time together."

"Without having sex."

"No sex. In fact, I think that the only thing I'll allow is kissing. Why don't you put on your pajamas so we can get into bed and cuddle."

I climbed off his lap. "I didn't bring any pajamas. I only brought lingerie." This wasn't true. I had a hideous old nightshirt in my suitcase that I loved despite its frumpiness.

He stood up and finished his champagne. "I'll get you a t-shirt of mine. You do have some panties to put on, right?"

I pouted as I went over to my bag to find some underwear. Never in a million years did I think I'd be adding undergarments tonight instead of removing them.

"Here you go," Shawn said as he handed me a cotton t-shirt. He'd put one on, too, probably to prove he was taking this seriously.

"Thanks," I said with a sweet smile. I then proceeded to remove my bustier and skirt in front of him while he watched with wide eyes. Once I was completely naked, I raised my arms over my head and stretched, which I knew showed off my body in an enticing way. Then I turn around and bent over my suitcase as I dug around for my toiletries, and I could feel his eyes on my ass. "Just need to wash my face and brush my teeth!" I said before sauntering into the bathroom.

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