Chapter 135

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As the engagement celebration continued, we polished off the second bottle of bubbly, so my generous boyfriend ordered a third. Now that my party girl days were far behind me, I'd almost forgotten how easily people with money could drop hundreds of dollars on drinks without batting an eye. That was essentially my grocery budget for a month, though lately Shawn had been covering all the household expenses.

I excused myself to use the restroom after the champagne had been popped open and poured, and he accompanied me, probably because he was worried about me walking after drinking since I'd insisted on leaving my cane at home. I'd compromised on the shoes, but I wanted to feel normal on my first real night out.

The three bathrooms were singles with no assigned gender, so I was surprised when he followed me into the only available one. "I'm capable of peeing on my own," I reminded him. "Turn around and let me go without watching me, please." On top of my former poop issues, I also had a shy bladder.

He obeyed, pivoting his body and jamming his hands in his pockets. "I know you are capable, hon, but I wanted a minute alone with you. You have no idea how hard it is to sit next to the sexiest woman in the universe knowing that she's got on special panties. I thought maybe I'd get a preview to hold me over until we get home."

So this wasn't solely about looking out for me? Butterflies went wild in my tummy as I realized the power I held over his desires.

"I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not wearing anything special," I told him once I finished up. I went to the sink and washed my hands with soap and hot water before looking at him and seeing the dejected expression on his face.

"Oh. You changed your mind?" he asked.

I sauntered over and placed my palms on his chest. "Why don't you check to see what I have on?"

He slid one hand under my dress and his eyes went wide. "You-you're not wearing anything."


Shawn cupped my bare ass as he kissed me deeply, his tongue swirling in my mouth. "I wish I could fuck you right here."

His words caused a jolt of electricity to surge through me, landing in my quivering core. "Here?" I gulped.

He gave my bottom a playful smack. "Mmhm. It's a little risky, though."

"It is. Plus our friends will wonder why we're missing."

"Just wait until I get you home," he growled in my ear.

We left the restroom one at a time and rejoined our group, though after we sat down, a tiny part of me wished we'd thrown caution to the wind and had sex. It's not like there could be cameras in the there, and they even had a condom dispenser on the wall, so it was like the owners knew that kind of thing happened in bars.

I scooted my chair a bit closer to my boyfriend's and put my hand on his knee. He responded by giving me a sweet kiss on the temple. I slowly inched my fingers upwards, away from his kneecap, and then massaged his inner thigh while listening to the conversation my friends were having about the best and worst wedding traditions.

"Which one do you hate?" Briya asked me.

"I'm not a fan of throwing the bouquet or removing the garter and tossing that. There's something weird about all the single guests vying for something that's meaningless. There's no way it actually correlates to who will be the next to get engaged or married," I replied.

"I don't like that, either," Fallon agreed with a nod.

While she went on to talk about why it bugged her, which unsurprisingly tied into her strong feminist belief system, I moved my hand until it was grazing Shawn's balls. He had on his favorite brown pants, which were ideal for this activity since they weren't restrictive. Our backs were to the wall and the lights were dim, so unless someone peeked under the table, there was no way they would see what I was up to.

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