Chapter 92

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When the trial resumed, I felt even more anxious than I had in the morning. I was now very aware of how determined the defense was to assassinate my character in order to make Liam seem justified for what he did.

Both Brody and Susan Patterson, the owner of the cruise line, were called as witnesses to further explain what my job entailed. Again I was flummoxed by how much focus was on me. So far, very little had been said about the asshole who hurt me. On the plus side, they were good witnesses who were able to explain the job from a social and economic standpoint, reinforcing that it was not related to prostitution at all.

When that line of questioning was done, Ms. Becker stood up. "We'd like to call Shawn Mendes to the stand." A ripple of loud murmurs filled the court once again.

Shawn was sworn in and took his seat, looking very confident. Seeing him sitting upright with his broad shoulders squared and his head held high made me feel better.

"Mr. Mendes, can you please share what happened between you and Lucy Atwood on the cruise that night?" my lawyer asked.

"Sure. I met Lucy after knocking into her, and we had a drink together. Then she suggested my group get bottle service, which we did. We talked a little and then later I made a move, which she rejected."

"You're a world famous musician who women are infatuated with, yet she turned you down. Did she give a reason?"

Shawn coughed nervously. "For the record, I've been rejected plenty of times. That night Lucy said no because she thought I was drinking, and she also made it very clear that it wasn't part of her job description."

"Were you not drinking?"

"No. I was pretending to so that my friends thought I was having a good time, but I had maybe a drink and a half total. By the end of the cruise, I was completely sober."

Ms. Becker nodded thoughtfully. "So you weren't impaired at all when you witnessed the confrontation between Mr. Echols and Ms. Atwood?"

"Not in the least."

"Can you please share what you saw?"

Shawn proceeded to retell the story from when he spotted me with Liam to when I was shoved in Lake Ontario. I thought he might stop at that point, but then he shared the rescue and how he was sure I was dead when he pulled me out of the water. The courtroom was captivated by his account and I began to feel less anxious about the trial.

Ms. Becker put a satellite map of the parking lot on the screen. "Can you please show me where Ms. Atwood was standing and where the parked car that you were standing near was?"

Shawn got up and used a pointer to identify both things. "I'm not sure of the exact spot, but it was in this general area."

"I'd like it on record that Mr. Mendes was within fifty meters of Mr. Echols and Ms. Atwood. We will be calling on one of the passengers in the car as well as the driver to verify this," Ms. Becker told the court.

She asked Shawn more questions and then it was the defending attorney's turn.

"Mr. Mendes, was it dark that night?" Liam's lawyer asked.

"Yes, but the boat was all lit up and that made it possible to see Lucy and her attacker."

"Attacker? Did you hear what was said between them?"

Shawn frowned. "No, but it from what I saw, he was the one who committed assault."

"You didn't see her slap Liam Echols?" the lawyer asked with a malicious grin.

"I did, but it was after he reached out and grabbed her arm. He initiated physical contact and she responded, as any person who feels threatened would."

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