Chapter 112

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After the girls went home, Shawn started texting me. I hadn't taken his call because I didn't see the point. He'd obviously seen deuxmoi and was aware that I wasn't on social media much, so perhaps he thought he'd get his explanation in before I saw it. Or maybe he knew someone would share it with me and wanted to talk through it. But what was there to talk about? We were broken up and he moved on, which he was a hundred percent entitled to do.

Another text appeared on my phone.

Pls call me

I left him on read and put my phone down for the night, but I couldn't sleep since turning off my thoughts was impossible. Even though I hadn't seen the photo since Fallon showed it to me, it was imprinted in my brain and was haunting me.

It could've been me on that balcony. I was the one he should have been holding tenderly. I was supposed to have the sexed up fluffy hair and satisfied expression. We'd spent time planning every detail of that trip together and now she was reaping the benefits. I said I wanted a fucking balcony to have coffee on each morning! I hated this mystery woman for stealing what was mine, which was completely petty and irrational. He wasn't mine.

An hour later my phone began vibrating repeatedly, only it wasn't Shawn this time.

Hey its Brian

I probably shouldnt b texting u

But Shawn is wasted and crying because you wont talk 2 him

Can u just text and say u will call him tomorrow?

As mad as I was, I hated the thought of him drunkenly sobbing in his hotel room. At the same time, I wondered what sparked this emotional outburst. Was it because he regretted fucking the blonde? Or was it because he'd been caught and put on blast on social media?

I decided to reinstall Instagram to see what buzz was circulating about his tryst since I knew his fans would be spouting their opinions. It popped up right away in my explore feed and the comments were mixed. Some people expressed sadness that we'd broken up, while others clearly preferred player-Shawn to the committed version. Maybe it made them think they had a shot.

I went to Shawn's account and saw one of the shirtless pics Briya mentioned at brunch. His beauty took my breath away, but it also made me incredibly sad to think that someone else had her hands and mouth all over the body that was once mine to make love to.

I exited IG and opened up my messages. First I texted Brian, thanking him for letting me know. Then I sent one to Shawn.

Call me tomorrow after 5 Toronto time.

He replied a minute later.

Can we pls talk now

If I didn't know he was drunk, I probably would have caved and said yes. I knew, however, that no good would come of us trying to discuss what happened while he was inebriated. If anything could make the situation worse, it was that. I couldn't use his drunken state as an excuse since it was unlikely Brian told him he texted me, so I gave the other reason I didn't want to talk.

It's really late and I'm tired.

Talk to you tomorrow.

He apparently accepted this, because I didn't hear from him until the next day when he called at five on the dot.

"Hi," I said when I accepted the call.

"Hi, Lucy. Sorry about all my texts last night. I was in a bad state."

"It's fine."

He was quiet for a second. "It's not fine, is it? I assume you saw."

"I did, and regardless of how the deuxmoi post made me feel, you're single and can hook up with anyone you want. There's nothing for us to discuss, which is why I didn't answer your calls or reply to your texts last night," I said curtly.

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