Chapter 82

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The ghost tour was scheduled to start at seven, and the meeting place was on Mill Street in the Distillery District. Fallon said to arrive twenty minutes early, so Shawn offered to pick me up at six-fifteen. This made no sense since he'd then have to double back to the same side of town he lived in, so I suggested a quick dinner at his condo before driving the short distance to the historic area. The tour was an hour and a half long, and I wanted to eat first so that we wouldn't have to think about food afterwards. We had other things to focus on.

I knocked at his door and he answered right away. "Hi," I said cheerfully.

"Come on in, honey." He gave me a kiss before stepping aside so I could enter. "I ordered pizza. Hope that's okay."

I followed him to the kitchen and saw boxes from Ollie's. "You got my uncle's pizza?"

"He gave me his business card at the hospital and told me I get free pizza for life because I saved you. I wasn't going to actually take him up on the offer, but when I gave my name, the person knew about it. I tipped the driver a hundred bucks to make up for it."

I laughed. "There's a huge chance that was one of my cousins. You definitely made their night."

"He was very appreciative and asked for a photo with me, but then before he left he said I'd better treat you right."

I felt a familiar shiver run down my spine. "Sorry. My family can be protective."

"I don't blame them. You've been through so much, and I'm sure they don't ever want to see you hurt again."

"So what kind of pizza did you get?" I asked as I opened one of the two boxes.

"I got you 'The Kitchen Sink' because the person on the phone said it's your fave, and I got a gluten-free veggie pizza for myself."

"Yum! I skipped lunch so I'm famished."

He handed me a plate and we both helped ourselves before moving to the dining area. "What can I get you to drink?" he asked. "I've got wine, beer, water, liquor. You name it."

I wanted a Diet Coke but I was afraid if I asked he'd say how unhealthy it was and that he didn't keep that crap in his home, and then I'd freak out internally over the coincidence. "I'd love a glass of red wine."

He got one for each of us and sat down. Then he raised his glass. "To the start of a great night."

"Cheers to that!"

As we ate, we talked about his visit with his family the night before. He'd stayed over in Pickering because he liked sleeping in his old room occasionally, plus it meant he could have a few beers.

Once we'd finished our second slices, it was time to go. "Want me to drive?" Shawn asked. "I know that area really well."

I didn't mind at all, so we took the elevator down to the parking garage and got into his car.

"Briya and Fallon can be protective just like my fam," I warned him. "They are my very best friends and I love them, but they can definitely be blunt."

"I got to know them pretty well in the hospital," he reminded me.

"Oh right. I always forget about that because I don't remember any of that time."

"I thought people could sometimes hear even when they're in a coma. I talked to you quite a bit when we were alone."

"If I heard anything, it's gone now." This wasn't completely true since the things I heard appeared in my dream. "What did you say to me?"

His cheeks flushed red. "I don't really want to repeat any of it. I was pretty shaken up and I was babbling about myself and how I felt. It was selfish, to be honest."

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