Chapter 60

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Before I was even fully awake, I remembered that I hadn't shaved my legs (or anything else) since New Year's Eve, and on that occasion I'd only done my calves and armpits. I knew he'd never complain, but if Shawn was heading south later, he didn't need a face full of fur. My plan was to sneak out of bed and hit the shower for some personal grooming.

My eyes fluttered open but the room was so bright that I immediately closed them. Had I forgotten to shut my blinds? Maybe the reflection of the morning sun on the snow was the culprit. I opened them again and tried to focus, but it was hard.

"Shawn," I said, but my voice was practically nonexistent. I suddenly became aware of a beeping noise. "Your alarm is going off," I rasped before drifting back to sleep.

"Squeeze my hand Lucy-goosey," my father said from far off in the distance. "Come on, honey. Give us a sign."

I did as he said and I heard someone clapping. Was I dreaming? I tried to force myself to wake up but I couldn't.

"Lucy, can you open your eyes?" an unfamiliar woman's voice asked.

I did, and again the brightness was startling.

"Dim the lights," the same person instructed. Everything slowly came into focus and I saw my father and several other people leaning over me.

"Where's Shawn?" I rasped.

My dad and one of the women exchanged a look. "He hasn't been here since the first week because he had to go on tour," he said. Then he started to cry. "Lucy, I'm so happy that you're awake!"

The medical equipment and the fact that people wearing scrubs were present indicated that I was in a hospital room. Confusion overwhelmed me, and I tried to sit up so I could get out of bed and leave. I did not want to be there because nothing made sense. Shawn wasn't on tour! He still had four months before he was leaving for Europe. We'd talked about that last night while we snuggled in bed.

"Slow down," the woman urged as she placed a firm hand on my shoulder. "You need to stay in bed. We've got a couple tests to run, but I bet you'd really like some ice chips. One of the nurses will get some."

"Why am I here?" I asked as I started to panic.

"She doesn't remember," my dad said with astonishment as he wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"That's common after waking up from a coma. It might come to her later or it might not." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Let's just give her the basics since the specifics could be too much right now."


"What's going on?" It hurt to speak but I was getting impatient.

"Over two weeks ago, you were involved in an incident which resulted in brain trauma, and you also nearly drowned. You've been unconscious since then," the woman, who I assumed was a doctor, explained.

"I've been in a coma for weeks?" I said, not fully believing her.

"Yes, but the fact that you're awake and talking is excellent, and I'm confident you are on your way to a full recovery."

I still didn't understand why Shawn was on tour, but I wondered if I'd slipped in the tub shaving and had hit my head on the edge or something. How else could I drown in my apartment?

"I need to talk to Shawn," I stated while I tried to stay calm. "Can you give me my phone so I can call him?"

My dad's face twisted in confusion. "He asked that we let him know when you wake up, though I think that can wait. We need to call the family and the girls first, but we'll have to use my phone since yours is gone."

"That's going to result in visitors, so let's get Lucy to radiology for a CT scan and MRI. You can make the calls while we're gone, Mr. Atwood," the doctor stated.

I was rattled that Shawn had deserted me while I was in a coma, but more than that, I was completely exhausted and no longer had the strength to think or talk. I laid still as I was wheeled out of the room and down a series of corridors. The scans felt like they went on forever, and I must have fallen asleep during the second one, because when I woke up again, I was back in my hospital room.

"How was your nap?" my dad asked from his spot beside me.

"I don't know. My head hurts."

A nurse was summoned and I was given some medication intravenously. He also brought a cup of ice chips which made me thirsty, but I was told I couldn't drink much to start. After a bit, there was a knock at the door and Briya and Fallon entered, looking like they were both going to cry.

"Oh my god," Briya said. "Your dad's phone call was the best moment of my life!"

"Welcome back," Fallon told me. "Way to keep things exciting."

"What happened?" I asked them since I hadn't been given much information from anyone else.

My dad cleared his throat nervously. "You don't need the details right now, but I promise you'll get them soon." His phone started vibrating and he looked at it. "It's your grandma. I'm going to take this in the hall."

Once he left, I looked at the nurse. "Can you please get me more ice?"

"Of course!"

As soon as he was gone, I pushed myself into more of a sitting position. "What the fuck happened to me and why isn't Shawn here?"

The looked at each other and then Fallon spoke. "He visited a lot at first. Did you hear him talking?"

"No. The last thing I remember was falling asleep with him in my bed."

The nurse returned with ice which I welcomed for my raw throat. He then stepped out again.

"Lucy, I don't know what you're talking about," Briya said cautiously. "Why would you be in bed with Shawn?"

Fuck. I'd forgotten that they didn't know we were back together. "He came over during the blizzard and we worked things out! He told me he loves me! Isn't that amazing?"

Again, they exchanged a look, which was starting to irritate me. "Blizzard? It's July," Fallon said.

"It's January," I insisted, "though I guess if I was in a coma for over two weeks it's now February."

"She's really confused," Briya whispered softly to Fallon.

"I'm not! I am the only one who seems to know what month it is!"

The doctor entered the room as I was saying this and walked over to the bed. "You need a little time, Lucy. I know this is very strange, but it'll work itself out in your head soon. Perhaps we've rushed having visitors."

"We can go," Fallon said. She took my hand in hers. "We'll be back tomorrow."

"Can you bring my phone when you come? I need to make some calls," I pleaded.

"It sunk to the bottom of the lake with your purse," Briya told me. "Maybe Fallon and I can be in charge of getting you a new one. We'll ask your dad."

Lake? Why would my stuff be in a lake? "Okay," I agreed as I started to feel weary. I wasn't exactly sleepy, but I'd lost the will to question all the craziness that was surrounding me.

The girls left and my dad returned. He sat with me as I had my first meal, which consisted of broth and jell-o.

"The whole family sends their love, but Doctor Morris has advised against any more visitors tonight," he said. "Your uncles were in such a state when they found out what happened. They care about you so much. And your grandmas...they've both been at church praying for hours every day."

I looked closely at his face. My father looked ten years older than when I last saw him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He fought back a choked sob. "I am now, but when I thought I might lose you...I...I can't even describe it. You're the most important thing in my life."

"I'm sorry I caused you so much worry," I whispered.

He shook his head. "This isn't your fault. It's his, and he's going to pay for it, believe me!"

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