1- recharge

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"Damnit" you mutter when you realize your music had stopped playing.

You pull your phone out to play the music again to find you phone dead for what feels like the millionth time this month. Usually this wasn't a problem for you but for the past month you had fallen asleep with your phone on a lot and it would usually leave you with a useless, dead phone about half way through your patrol.

An early break couldn't hurt, could it. And besides if the commission gets on my ass about it I can just tell them I needed the phone so people could still contact me in case of emergencies. You thought to yourself as you flew towards your agency to recharge your phone

As you flew through the night sky you spotted what looked like a giant humanoid looking thing being much less then civilized as it seemed to fight with something it couldn't tell the location of.

Of course this thing decides to throw a temper tantrum while I'm on my way to charge my phone. Perfect timing on their part, honestly, impeccable. You thought to yourself sarcastically while sharpening and sending out feathers as you descended quickly

Just as you where about to reach it a long grey scarf shot out from behind the humanoid and immobilized it instantly causing it to let out a shriek.

What the hell. You thought to yourself as you hovered above the ground. Your eyes where locked on the dark figure approaching from behind the now ashamed and embarrassed humanoid.

"I've got it" said a gruff and deep voice

The figure who had long black hair framing his face with a hero costume that was a simple black shirt and sweats with a grey scarf and yellow googles had now stepped into the light with a tight grip on the capture scarf  that held the humanoid captive. You almost instantly recognized the man as eraser head.

"I can wait with it while the police arrive so you can leave now" he stated

"Oh, Okay cool" you said before taking off once again to your agency

I had heard he wasn't much of a talker but I figured he would at least have a little bit of the necessary manners the others hero's had. You thought as you soared through the sky. Most of the other hero's would have probably explained what exactly happened and have you heal any injuries or pains they had from the incident before letting you leave but he just told you to leave. It was refreshing to just be able to go on your way but it still felt weird to you having that cycle interrupted.

You had finally reached the balcony of your agency. You reached in your utility belt and pulled out the key to unlock the sliding glass doors. You unlocked the doors and stepped inside your office immediately being engulfed by the warm air. You walked over to your desk and picked the charger up from the floor plugging it into your phone before you sat down at your desk.

"Dove, your supposed to be on patrol" said a sweet voice from the doorway. You look up to see what looked like a worker from your agency.

"I know I'm sorry, but my phone died and I needed to swing by here and charge it real quick. I'll be outta here in a little I just didn't wanna go the rest of patrol without a phone" you said your voice rising and softening out of habit since you didn't recognize the girl in the doorway.

"It's Okay"she said before walking fully into your office

You sat up in your chair trying to look professional and engaged in the conversation you where inevitably about to have. It's not that you where an introvert that hated people you just struggled with talking to new people. Even though your a hero and you've met and talked to hundreds of people since starting this god forsaken job you still got a little nervous when it came to talking.

"The commission has sent you multiple emails about your frequent breaks from patrol and they would like an explanation miss" she said sweetly

"They have?" You said sounding clueless. The truth is you saw all of the emails you just didn't bother to respond because you knew no matter how you explained yourself you would get scolded and told to get your shit together. Which was fair but still something you didn't feel like dealing with.

"Thank you for telling me, I'll tell them about it tomorrow for my monthly report. I don't feel like getting yelled at by the president tonight" you said in a light tone "And also it's what?" You checked the time before continuing "1:30 in the morning I highly doubt they will respond at this time"

"Okay miss, is there anything I can get you while your here?" She said again in the sweet tone that was now faltering due to her lack of sleep

"No" you said " But you can go home early, it's fucked up having you and the others work this late. I've got no clue why the commission thought these hours where a good idea for office workers" you said sounding sympathetic.

"Thank god, I'm not trying to be rude but if I had to spend another minute here I was gonna throw myself out the window" she said switching her sweet tone for a loud and exhausted one.

"No problem babes, have a good night" you replied letting out a small laugh at her remark as she left your office.

You heard your phone buzz signaling it was fully charged. You put in your air pods and shuffled your music before walking out onto the balcony.
After locking the glass door you looked over the city and let yourself adjust to the cold night air.

Looking at your phone you read the time 2:03 you where half an hour behind schedule and you knew you'd have to make up for it but you didn't let it concern you. You sat yourself on the railing and looked down at the streets that where illuminated by obnoxious neon signs and street lights. You sat there listening to music as the wind nipped at your skin giving you goose bumps.

You allowed yourself to fall forward and off the balcony. You where free falling and no matter how many times you did this it always made your heart drop in the best way. You loved how the air made your skin sting and the piercing sound the air made as you fell.Right as you where about to kiss the concrete you spread your wings and took off into the sky so you could finish your patrol.

"Time to get this shit over with" you mumbled as you flew above the city.

Authors note- now I understand why people write this kinda stuff. It's so fun and I'm already invested in it(:<

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