26- MOVE

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AUTHORS NOTE- listen to "Custer by Slipknot" for the first part of this chapter and then "We'll meet again by Vera Lynn (and a shit ton of others that I don't have the energy to write the names of)" for the end of the chapter

TW- Violence, gore, death? and some harsh self -deprecating

You step through the doors and quickly take in your surroundings. The students of UA are huddled up around something and they all look terrified, at least that's what their body language says.

"What's happened here" You say, hoping that you speaking before walking towards them won't scare them as much. Their heads snap towards you and a look of relief washes over some of their faces, some of them still retain their panicked expressions though.

"Please help 13 and Mr. Aizawa" a girl with pink hair and pink skin says, her voice laced with fear.
Your breathing stops at the mention of Shota needing help but you don't let it show on your face, you retain your calm look.

"Where is Aizawa?" You question as you walk towards them quickly, they part as you near them and revel 13 who looks worse for wear.

"He's down there fighting against a big bird monster and a man covered with hands" One of the students says shakily as your crouched down next to 13, trying to figure out where to put your feathers. You look up from 13 with a confused look, the students in the front step aside and you stand up your eyes looking at the massive training ground in front of you.

Your eyes land on Shota, a pool of blood is visible even from this distance. A massive bird creature stands over top of him, along with a man standing a few feet from the bird monster but you could care less about him.

"All of you stay right here" You say, fighting to keep your voice calm. You somehow manage to not let your current anger seep through your voice though.

The other man standing near Shota spots something in the water and lunges at it, his hand outstretched towards it. You watch as shota lifts his head, canceling whatever the man's quirk is. The bird slams Shotas head into the ground with a bang that's heard even from where your standing.


Your body shakes and you suck in a ragged breath, your pupils dilating wildly as your body is racked with an overbearing anger.

You instantly take off towards Shota, sending out as many feathers as you can towards the man and the creature. You pull out a long blade like feather just in time to slice at the creature, landing on the ground a few feet away from it. The creature wails and you instantly turn on your heals, launching your self at in again this time aiming for the back of its neck.

Just as your about to hit it the creature swings it's arm and hits you in the abdomen, sending you flying away from it. You stop yourself mid air before you get to far away, gaining your bearings again before making your next move.

You check quickly that the man covered with hands is suspended in the air and allow yourself to breathe when you spot him thrashing violently as he's suspended by a few feathers.

You fly above the creature quickly, not giving it time to react before sending a swarm of feathers at it. The feathers spin as they form a ball before they inclose the thing, slicing open every inch of its skin and earning an ear piercing wail from it. A few of your feathers snake away from the ball and find their way to Shota, healing whatever they land on. The creature stumbles back and gives you open access to Shota, you dive down to him instantly and stand above him, your wings puffing up instinctively to make yourself look as big as possible.

You glance down at Shota, his normally soft hair is matted with blood and his arm looks like it's been dragged across concrete for hours. "Sho.." you say softly as you look down at him. You take the feathers from the swarm attacking that monster from hell and cover Shotas arm and head, your body vibrating with anger as you try to heal him as best you can.

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