14- Did i wake you?

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I squirm as I look at the tall figure in front of me, my body's pressed between them and the cool brick wall. My hands are pinned above my head by strong hands, they grip my wrists so tightly I feel as if the bone will shatter.

I try to make out who the figure is. Their much taller then me, if I had to guess they're about 6'0. Broad shoulders and a strong build that make a me feel small. They block out any light that could hope to reach us. It's so dark, I can barely see.

The figure leans in closer to me, now only inches from my face. I make a pathetic attempt to escape their grasp but this only makes them grip my wrists tighter. They only have one hand wrapped around my wrists, the other is rested on my hip. Their hand dwarfs mine and adds to my sense of hopelessness.

Their head dips to the crook of my neck and their hot breath hits my neck, a shiver runs up my spine and I push my body into the wall.

Their lips hover just above my skin, their breathes are calm and collected. Each one driving me insane.

What do you mean driving you insane? You are NOT getting turned on by this. No your not. That's not happening. Don't even entertain that idea.

They press their body into my mine, my thighs clench and I suck in a breath.


Soft lips press a kiss onto my neck before pulling away. They push their body closer to mine, grinding slowly as I squirm beneath them. There's no where to go, I can't do anything. I'm helpless.

A hand snakes up my body slowly before stopping at my chin. Nimble fingers tilt my head up and to the side, completely exposing my neck. I try to cover my exposed neck with my head but a strong hand grips my chin, holding it firmly in place.

They place a soft kiss on my neck again, lingering for a little longer then last time. My breath hitches in my throat and I push my thighs further together. I feel them smirk against my neck before a sharp pain erupts right where they kissed me.

I yelp as they sink their teeth into me, so hard I swear it breaks the skin. I whine as they bite at my neck, their mouth attacking the same spot.

They pull away slightly before licking the bite slowly, pressing a soft kiss onto it.

My body relaxes slightly at their action. I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding and I just stand there, waiting for them to finally let me go, or speak or just do anything at all.

They bite my neck again, their mouth returning to the same spot. A loud yelp escapes my mouth as they nibble at my neck. Soft moans mix with my pathetic whines as I squirm desperately in their grasp. I feel a pulse between my thighs and I finally acknowledge how wet I am.


They sink their teeth in hard and a loud scream erupts from my throat. It hurts so much, my neck is definitely bleeding. I can't, it's hurts so much... it feels so good. I cant think.

My eyes open slowly and I take in my surroundings, I grip the pillow I'm holding tightly as I stare out the sliding glass door, waiting for my body to wake up.

My phone vibrates next to me and I sluggishly reach my arm behind me to pick it up.


Why is he calling me?

I answer the call and am immediately greeted with a very happy sounding keigo

"Y/n, you gotta come to the bar with me" keigo chirps happily

"Keigo, I don't drink. Why would I go to the bar" I say sleepily.

"Did I wake you from a nap? My bad. But the reason you should come is there are gonna be some people there that you might wanna meet" he says

"And who would that be?" I question as I sit up and dangle my feet off my bed.

"There's a really good chance midnight will be there" he coos

"Really?!" I question

"Yep, I'm going to the bar with another pro hero and he happened to be really close with her. He's also gonna drag another one of his friends out although I don't know who the other guy is"

"I'll be there, what bar" I say as I get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom.

Keigo gives me the name of the bar and I quickly start to get ready.

I shower and make sure to use all the good expensive stuff, I also shave every inch of my body.... For no specific reason at all...definitely.

After I get out of the shower I do what needs to be done to my hair and then walk into my closet to find something to wear. I find a silky, tight black dress that is absolutely beautiful.

Would this be to much, should I go with something more casual... I don't want it to look like I'm trying to hard. I also don't want to be underdressed... I'll wear the dress, it's not gonna kill me if I'm a little overdressed.

I slip on the dress and it looks really good , it hugs my curves perfectly and it hangs in the right places. I look really good, like seriously really pretty. I grab a pair of black heels and put them on, completing the outfit. I look in the mirror and turn to the side a little, admiring how good my ass looks.

I'd fuck me

I walk into the bathroom and look at my face in the mirror, contemplating putting on makeup. I may as well do a little. I put on mascara and a really pretty lipgloss that makes my lips look shiny, that's the best way I can put it. I do a double check of everything in the mirror before grabbing a purse from my closet and walking towards my front door.

I grab my phone, AirPods and keys and put them in my empty purse. I'm not used to having a purse. I always have really big pockets that fit everything I need so I never have a purse with me.

Maybe if I stopped dressing like a homeless dude I'd actually use a purse.

Author's note- I actually have ideas for the next few chapters so I'm excited to write them, I'm also gonna update the mafia Aizawa book pretty soon. And I would also like to say that in this book whenever you are in casual clothes you are   Probably gonna dress like a fem Aizawa. Irl I dress like a bum and have horrible style so that's probably gonna spill into this book because I don't know how to put outfits together.

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