38- Reaction

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Authors note-I swear this book gets to a new milestone every time I upload a chapter, with that being said, thank you all so much for 11k, I love you all sm(Also, I've noticed that the way I'm writing the reader and Shotas interactions are starting to have a resemblance to my own relationship, so while I'm trying not to, we will probably end up babying Shota, if not to his face, then mentally)

Your fingers lace in his hair, your back arching against the couch as his tongue glides over your clit, his stubble scratching up against your thighs. He grabs onto your thighs, holding them firmly as his tongue moves in all the right ways. You push your hips forward, desperate for more, a low moan escaping your throat.

You grip his hair tighter as the sensation builds, his warm hands on your thighs, his mouth, the stubble, it overloads your senses. You hear a muffled noise escape him as your grip on his hair continues to tighten. He pulls you closer to his mouth, and it becomes to much for you, your right there, almost past the edge.

Feels so fuckin good.

Your body melts as he has his way with you, it feels so good, he's got your legs spread out, you feel so bare, you feel like a whore, his whore, and you don't mind it one bit. You close your eyes and bite your lip, desperate to not let this end yet.

Your eyes flutter open, the bright light of the room distorting your vision.

You've gotta be kidding me.

You sigh heavily as you realize what just happened, and to make matters worse, you've once again become aware of the man resting on your lap.

I'm so sorry Sho.

You feel icky for having a dream like that while the subject of that dream is sleeping on your lap, but you also have to take into consideration that you two have fucked, so you don't think he'd mind all to much. Still, you feel icky nonetheless.

I never have dreams like that, ever. Well... except for the one, but I'd prefer to forget about that. And why do I decide to dream about that when the subject of said dream is in my lap. That's some next level creeper shit.

You feel his head move in your lap, and you instantly look down at him, taking in every detail of the man below you. Under all this bandaging is an incredibly handsome man, his hair, his eyes, jawline, eye bags, all of him is breathtaking, he's low key kinda pretty.

One chance, PLEASE. It'll be worth your time, just gimme 5 minutes. You laugh a little at the desperation that comes along with your thoughts.

Despite your questionable thoughts, you'd be happy just to cuddle with him, you could go your life without fucking him, and while it wouldn't the most enjoyable thing ever, you could live with just cuddles.

Although, you probably won't even get that, because you two aren't together, now that you think of it, why are you thinking of this shit.

I really hope he wakes up soon, I think whatever is happening now is frying my brain, I think I feel dumber.

Your thoughts race through your head, at an uncontrollable rate, and you have no choice but to sit here and think of stupid shit while you ridicule yourself for thinking said things, you feel really fucking stupid, and while your not sure why, that doesn't make the feeling any less prominent.

Please wake up baby

Why'd you just call a grown man baby...

Ma'am, ma'am, excuse me, what the actual fuck

Wake up dude, pllleeeaaassssee

He's not waking up anytime soon...god damnit.

Your head falls back and you stare up at the ceiling, thinking of why exactly you let him lay in your lap in the first place.

Cause you wanted to hold him, but you can't, so you settled for this.

Stupid bitch

You start to regret your choices, only because of how stupid you've managed to make yourself feel. The part about him laying in your lap is great, you'd let him do this anytime.

As your mind wanders you unconsciously slip your fingers into his hair, mindlessly playing with it as you sit there in the silent room, thinking of a plethora of things.

You hear a noise come from him and you instantly look down to check on him. He's grumbling with a slightly sour look on his face.

"It's okay angel, I've got you" You whisper softly, not even on purpose, just your instant reaction.

His stirring stops after a second and his body relaxes again. You smile down at him softly, continuing to play with his hair.

Nah cause he's kinda cute, like genuinely adorable.



You have no control over your thoughts,, your convinced, you also are starting to question just how normal that lil voice in your head is, but you don't have the time nor patience to try to fix something that doesn't harm you or others.

You grab your phone and AirPods off the armrest beside you and you put one of the AirPods in, opening Spotify and shuffling your playlist. A smile forming on your face as one of your favorite songs plays

You lay your head back again, closing your eyes as you feel your body sink into the couch.

Maybe another nap would help.

'And I know, that we could be together. But not now, no, not at all'



Authors note- Okay, so, ima need you guys to bare with me for a second. I've got some questions about what you guys are comfortable with in terms of smut. Ima be honest with y'all, I've got a BAD mommy kink, and I really really wanna incorporate it in at least one smut scene, although I understand some people are uncomfortable with that, so I will follow what the majority says. Also, if you have any suggestions for anything smut related or stuff that should happen in the book, tell me, I'll probably incorporate it(:

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