23-Together vs Alone

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Authors note- The Keigo x reader fic (Feathers) is finally out(:< I would also like to say that it'll start off slow so if you want something face paced don't read it.

"How was the first day Sho?" You question with a lazy grin as the three of you walk down the sidewalk, you sandwiched in between the two men.

"Miserable" He says in a deflated tone.

"Oh come on Aizawa, I'm sure it wasn't that bad" Keigo remarks with his signature smile.

"It was that bad. And it's even worse because your on patrol with us" Shota spits, sending a death glare at Keigo

Keigo places his hand on his heart and a frown forms on his face. "So harsh" Keigo pouts . Aizawa scoffs but gives Keigo no further attention.

"What made today so bad?" You question

"This blonde kid has a horrible fucking temper and threatened to kill some green haired kid during the quirk evaluation. And remember the boy I told you about that broke all his bones in the entrance exam?" Shota questions as he looks over at you.

"Yeah" you say

He's in your class. You think to yourself.

"He's in my class. And I had to stop him from breaking all his limbs when he tried to throw a baseball" He pauses, trying to decide if he should continue with his ramble "He did show some signs that he can improve though" Shota says in a more hushed tone, a halfhearted attempt to conceal his slight "praise" from Keigo.

"Did I just hear him say something nice?" Keigo questions with an a sly smile. Aizawa clearly wasn't quiet enough with his last comment. "I didn't know he could say anything nice to people. Well.. except for Dove. But it's hard not to say nice things to someone when your balls deep inside them" Keigo says nonchalantly, but the smile plastered on his face is anything but nonchalant.

You look over at Shota who has his face buried deep in his scarf, although that does nothing because his entire face looks red and hot.You start laughing uncontrollably and Shota glares at you.

"What's wrong Sho" you tease as you continue to laugh at the poor man.

Your quickly shut up by Aizawas scarf wrapping around your mouth, your eyes widening in surprise at his actions. You hear Keigo snicker from beside you and this causes you to laugh again, although this time it's muffled by Shotas scarf.

"I fucking hate the two of you when your together" Shota huffs as he retracts his scarf from your mouth and continues to walk.

"But you don't hate us when we're apart" Keigo adds

"I always hate you" Shota says, looking over at Keigo to add emphasis to the fact that it's only him that he hates.

"So does that mean you like me when we're alone?" You question with a smirk, knowing damn well what Keigos about to say.

"He lovesss you when you two are alone" Keigo snickers, sticking his chin up and a closed mouth smile splays across his face.

"You two are fucking insufferable" Shota spits as he walks ahead of you and Keigo.

"Love you to" You and Keigo say in unison.

"OH MY GOD" Shota groans loudly, completely fed up with you and Keis theatrics. Aizawa shoots his scarf out at you and wraps up your arms, legs torso and mouth before throwing you over his shoulder and continuing to walk. His grip on you tightens and he sends out the rest out his scarf and swings you both onto the roof tops, leaving Keigo on the sidewalk.

You two get a few streets away from Keigo and Shota not so gently sits you on your ass, the hard concrete of the roof making your landing uncomfortable. You pull your knees up to your chest and look up at Shota, waiting for him to untie you. He looks down at you and you two lock eyes, your eyes narrowing as thoughts start to flood your mind.

I swear my mind works against me.

"Don't look at me like that" He says. You tilt your head to the side.

"Wike wha" You mumble, attempting to question what he said but it's muffled by his scarf that's still around your mouth.

I sound dumb as hell.

He walks over to you and leans down, his body towering over you. "Like you want to fuck me" He says lowly.

Your eyes darken, filling with lust and an odd sense of anger at the position you've found yourself in. The lust is easily explainable, your tied up, with a man who looks like a god looming over you. The anger makes a lot less sense. Maybe it's because your helpless and tied up, and you'd much rather it be him helpless and tied up. Maybe your mad at the fact that your so easily turned on by this. Whatever the reason is it's sparked some interesting urges. You want nothing more for him to be the one tied up as you loom over him, having him helpless and at your disposal. Squirming against the restraints as muffled noises leave his mouth...

STOP. You horny bitch. You are on patrol and Keigo is probably about to show up, you cannot be thinking like that.

"Am I interrupting something" You hear Keigo say from behind Shota.

Right on queue.

"No" Shota says blankly, standing up straight and looking back at Keigo.

"Are you a sure. Because she looks like she wants to eat you" Keigo says, putting his hands into his pockets and looking between you and Shota.

Aizawa looks down at you and you and catch's the look in your eyes. He removes his scarf from you and you take in a deep breath, reveling in your ability to breath through your mouth again.

"How long did you wait for the right moment to show your face" You question as you stand up, stretching out your stiff wings.

"Are you accusing me of spying" Keigo questions With a raised eyebrow

"Yep. There's no way it took you this long to find us" You say, glaring at Keigo in an attempt to make him crack and actually tell the truth.

"You have no faith in me" Keigo pouts

"It's not that. I just know how you are" you reply blankly.

"We have shit to do. You two can argue later" Shota states as he drops off the side of the building.

You stand there for a second before you run over to the edge or the roof, excepting to see him free falling. But instead he's swinging along the buildings with his scarf.

"Do we have to clean him off the sidewalk" Keigo questioned calmly as he walked over to the ledge, his hands in his pockets and his walk is lazy. He leans over the ledge and hums in surprise at the lack of a flattened Shota.

"No, but we should probably behave for the rest of the night" You say, fluttering your wings out of boredom.

"You should behave. I don't have to" Keigo says

"Good luck with that" you say as you step off the balcony and fly towards the direction Shota went.

Authors note- go check out the Keigo fic or I'll fuck your mother 😁

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