25- Assist

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Authors note- I'm aware that the USJ isn't near the shore (at least I don't think it is) but as I'm writing this I'm at the beach and want an excuse to add an ocean into this. So, the beginning of this chapter is gonna have you near the beach for a sec.

You look at the scenery in front of you with soft eyes, the beauty of the shoreline making you feel at peace. Patrol had been pretty quiet so you decided to take a break and perch on top of a building, it's a decision your very happy you made. You sit there with your eyes closed and your chin tilted up, the soft breeze brushing by you and the sun adding a nice warmth to your body.

Your tranquility is quickly interrupted by the sound of a crash followed by screams on the streets below you. Sighing heavily you drop off the side of the building as glide towards the direction of the noise. The scene you find is nothing special, just a car accident that you have to use some feathers to heal injuries at until the police and paramedics arrive.

"HEROS. ARE THERE ANY HEROS!?" A brown haired woman shouts frantically into the crowd. You land on the ground behind her and put on a comforting smile before speaking.

"It's gonna be alright miss" You say reassuringly. Her head spins quickly to face you and a look of relief washes over her face.

"Oh thank god.Dove, You've gotta help my boyfriend. His leg got cut open by the glass from the windshield" She speaks rapidly as she grabs your hand and pulls you over to a man siting on the curb with a nasty gash running up his leg.

You crouch down in front of him and send a few feathers off your wings. "This might sting for a sec" you say softly before placing the feathers over the wound. Both the women and her boyfriend watch as the feathers emit a soft glow before evaporating, leaving a mostly healed wound in their wake.

"That's so cool" The man says in awe "I've never seen your quirk up close"

"It's pretty cool the first time you see it, but it gets boring after awhile" You say with a lazy smile.

"Thank you so much" The woman says, her hand placed gently on her boyfriends shoulder.

"No problem. Also, I strongly advise you get that checked out by the EMTs before you leave just to make sure everything's good" You say before walking over to the other car that was involved in the accident.

After healing the minor cuts on the people in the other car you try your best to calm down anyone in the area that was shaken up by the accident. After everyone is mostly calm you give your statement to the cops and then Your on your way. You jump up into the sky and make your way above the city, sending out a few feathers to survey the area as your eyes scan the streets below you.

Maybe I should go near the USJ, there might be something interesting there. Or maybe if I'm lucky the trip is down and I'll get to harass Shota and speak to his class. OOOO, and after I speak to the class I might be able to talk with Shota. You think to yourself as you fly towards the USJ.

You genuinely enjoyed talking to Shota, maybe you should hang out with him outside of work. But what would you two even do, it's gotta be good enough to get Shota and you out of the house. Hmmm....A CAT CAFE. From what you remember he loves cats, so a cat cafe should be enough to get him out of the house. You've also always wanted to go to a cat cafe so it's perfect.

The USJ comes into your vision and you start to decrease your altitude, hoping to catch Shota and his class on the ground. You land on the street and start walking towards the massive dome shaped building, enjoying the unusually quite streets until something catches your eye. A figure comes racing towards you at an impressive speed.

"THE USJ IS UNDER ATTACK, ANY PRO HEROS REPORT TO THE USJ TO ASSIT CLASS 1A OF UA!!" The boy shouts as he runs down the street.

You breathing stops as the words leave his mouth.

It's under attack...and Shotas in there.

"Dove!" The boy shouts and your eyes fixate on him.

"I'm Tenya Iida of class 1A. My classmates, teacher and another pro are in there. Please help them" The blue hair boy pleads.

"I'll help them, go get the rest of the UA staff" You say calmly before taking off towards the doors.

You reach the doors and go to open them, sighing angrily when you realize they are sealed shut. You send some feathers of and slash relentlessly at the door, praying they cut through the thick metal doors. A whole opens in the door and you quickly step through, your heart beating out of your chest at the thought of what could be waiting for you.

Authors note- This is another super short chapter but I just wanted to set the stage for the next chapter (I also have zero motivation to write)  so I figured I'd write and post this chapter.

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