27- You promised

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Authors note- okay so I wanna make something clear because even when I re-read the last chapter I got irritated that Y/n lost. She probably could have killed off the nomu and won that whole fight but halfway through I decided to make it angsty. What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry that she followed the trope of the reader sucking ass in the USJ fight, because that wasn't originally how it was gonna go. (She was supposed to kick ass when I initially started that whole thing)

Your eyes flutter open, your breath coming and going slowly as you try to fight the urge to close your eyes again.

Where the hell am I?

Your eyes lazily drift across the dark and plain room. Medical equipment is on both sides of you and the bed your laying in has guard rials and plain bedding.

Am I really in the hospital again?

There's a window to your left that looks out to the city, the lights from it flooding into the room and giving the left half of it a soft glow. A small couch sits under the window but its empty except for a jacket thrown onto it. It's a jacket you recognize instantly.

You look down at your body and your heart beats rapidly at the sight of a head of soft blonde hair resting against the place where your thighs and stomach meet. His face is buried into you, his body extending uncomfortably from the chair he's sitting in. His hands grip onto you and your bed sheets for dear life, afraid that if he lets go you'll slip away.

Kei? What's up with him, he's never like this when I'm in the hospital. Well... to my knowledge he's not.

Holy shit.


I'm still alive, how is that possible? The man covered in hands was literally right Infont of me and Shota-

What happened to Shota!? If I'm alive does that mean he's alive as well?

Your pulled from your thoughts when you feel Keigos body twitch, his hands gripping onto you tighter. His body retracts into itself quickly and expands just as quickly.

Is he crying?

A muffled noise escapes him and you feel the vibrations from it go through your body.

He's really crying.

"Keigo" You whisper softly, your tired eyes looking down at him.

His head turns to look in your direction and a frown forms instantly on your face at the sight of him. Eye bags are prominent under his soft golden eyes that are red and irritated. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes are puffy.

"Y/n" He says softly with wide and pleading eyes, tears spilling out slowly from his pretty eyes.

"Kei" you choke out, fighting down the tears that threaten to well in your eyes.

I can't cry. Nothing bad has happened to me so I have no reason to cry.

Keigo moves from his spot and practically throws himself onto your upper body, burying his face into your chest and his hands clinging to you desperately. A whine threatens to escape you from the pain but you push it down. He's crushing your already broken ribs but you'll worry about that later, you have to comfort Keigo right now.

You move your hand from your side and place it on Keigo's head, running your fingers through his hair. You drape your arm across his back and he cries harder into your chest. His silent sobs becoming louder.

You look at the wall in front of you and bite your lip, trying as hard as you can not to cry. You can cry later, but not now.

"I thought I lost you" Keigo chokes out, his words muffled. "When I got the call I came straight here. The doctors had to drag me away from the operation room" He says quietly, his hands balling up your hospital gown as he grips onto you.


"You promised you'd never leave me again" He sobs, his puffy eyes looking directly into yours.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me behind. You promised you would never let anyone take you from me again" He cries, his face twisting into a gut wrenching expression. " I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again, I couldn't do it...especially if I lost you permanently. I'd die without you Y/n" He says quietly, burying his face back into your chest.

"I know kei. I know I promised you and I've kept my promise, I'd never leave you. I'm so sorry this all happened...Im so sorry" You say softly. You have no clue how to comfort him, you have absolutely zero clue.

"I was so scared, I thought you where gonna be ripped away from me again" He says quietly. You continue to play with his hair, unable to give him any verbal comfort.

Thats why he's so distraught over this. He thought I was gonna be taken from him again...I'd be the same way right now if I was him, I couldn't handle him being ripped away from me again.

There was an incident when you two were children where the commission separated you two for months. It was unbearable, you had never cried that much in your life. He was all you had, the only thing you had loved since your mother and they took him away from you. He was the only thing you wanted or needed and they ripped him away. And apparently he felt the same way about being taken away from you. It was equally, if not worse for him. He never really talked about what happened to him when you two where apart so you know very little but from the few things he's said it was hell for him as well.

"Promise me this won't happen again" He says quietly, his voice vibrating against your tear soaked chest.

"I promise this won't happen again, I'll never scare you like this again" You reply softly.

"I love you Y/n...I love you so much" Keigo says

"I love you to Keigo" you say, kissing the top of his head.

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