10- hospital

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I woke up, the blinding light causing me to close my eyes again. The room smelled sterile and un-welcoming, an obnoxious beeping coming from an unknown source.

Where am I?

I open my eyes slightly, allowing myself to slowly adjust to the light. I open my eyes all the way and start to sit up, taking in my surroundings as I piece everything together. I'm in a hospital and I'm laying in a very uncomfortable and scratchy bed.

I sit up slowly, my body screams in pain and I look down at my stomach.

I got stabbed

I sit up and position myself in a slightly more comfortable position, I slowly look around the room, taking in every detail. My eyes stop when I see a man on a chair in the corner, he's fast asleep, black hair framing his face. It's Shota.

Why is he here? How long was I out?

Shota stirs in his sleep a little, a quiet groan escaping his lips. He looks uncomfortable, slouched over in a chair like that. His head tilted off to the side exposing part of his neck. He's not in his hero costume anymore. He has on a dark grey long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants.

He moves a little again, his eyes opening slightly. He blinks a few times before he sits up swiftly in his chair as he looks at me with wide eyes. His face quickly goes back to how it normally is and he stands up. He walks over to my bed and stares at me, looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

"Hey shota" I say with a small smile.

He looks at me, no words leaving his mouth.

"Why?" He questions. I raise my eyebrow and give him a confused look. "Why'd you send me off, you got hurt and it was completely avoidable" he scolded "how stupid can you be" he said in a demeaning tone.

"I thought I could handle it on my own. And I could until that blue haired dude showed up" I said as I looked up at him.

"You almost died, what if i hadn't gotten there?" he said angrily, his voice raising as he spoke . I stayed quiet

"Never pull some stupid shit like that again" he said sternly "got it?" he glared down at me

"Got it" I said softly as I broke eye contact.

"Got it" He mocks quietly. If the room wasn't dead silent I wouldn't have heard it.

Get the fuck out. Dude just leave, I don't wanna put up with this right now. I don't think I have enough self control to not lay into your bitch ass.

"How long do I have off patrol?" I question. He probably doesn't know but I may as well ask.

"The day you get out of here is when you go back" he says, annoyance coating his voice.

I hate the commission. Why can't I get a few days off.

"Alright, thanks" I say quietly.

"No problem" he mutters before walking towards the door.

I stare at the wall as I hear him exit the room. I don't get why he's so mad. I know it was an irrational decision but still.

I sit in the uncomfortable bed, my eyes never leaving the wall. I feel bad now. I didn't wanna freak him out. I don't want him to be upset with me, I really really don't..

The door opens and I look over. It's keigo, a soft, genuine smile on his face. I don't see those often.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" He questions as he walks over to the bed.

"I'm doing good, my stomachs a little sore but nothing bad" I say with a small smile.

He Hums in response, his eyes searching around the room for something. "I guess eraser finally left" he says

"He left the second I got up, he made sure to scold me before leaving though" I say with a small laugh as I look down at my legs.

"I'm surprised, he wouldn't leave your side when you where out" keigo says as he sits down on the bed

"Really" I question

"Yep, his friend..." he paused as he tried to remember the name "Hizashi, had to force him to take a shower and get food." He keigo says as he looks at me.

"Hizashi?Present mic? HES FRIENDS WITH HIM?!" I practically shout.

Keigo stands up quickly with an excited look on his face "I know I would have never excepted that. They are complete opposites" keigo says loudly, a smile plastered on his face.

I laugh as keigo goes on and on about their friendship. Apparently Hizashi is cool as shit. I really wish I wasn't out cold while he was here, I really wanna meet him.

"Hey kei, when do I get out of here" I say

"You can get out today, but I really think you should stay for a little longer. At least till the end of the week." Keigo says, a worried look in his eyes.

"It's just a stab,  and I don't wanna stay here any longer" I say as I look at keigo. He sighs and shakes his head before standing up.

"There's no talking you into staying I'm guessing" he says as he looks at me with a tiered expression. I shake my head no. "Okay, I'll go get the doctor and we'll get you out of here"

"Thanks kei"

"No problem Y/n"

He walks to the door and I watch him walk out and into the hallway, the door shutting softly behind him.

Author's note- okay, don't clown on me for this chapter. It's short, rushed and poorly written and this is making me see why planing a story out is so important. But that aside I'm still posting this. (Also if  you haven't yet go check out the Mafia Aizawa fic I'm writing. I'm actually planning that one out so it will make sense unlike this one where I just do whatever)

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