19- Not my pillow

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You nuzzled your face into your pillow, scrunching your face as you realized how weird it felt this morning. You tightened your grip and ran your fingers over it. The pillow let out a quiet groan and tightened its grip on you, pulling you closer and burying its face in your hair.

Wait a damn minute...


You opened your eyes and where met with a toned chest.

Definitely not my pillow

You pulled yourself closer to Shota, melting into his arms as you listened to him breath. His arms cradled you and his warm hands helped to keep you in place. One hand on the back of your head, pressing you into his chest and the other rested on your torso. You felt like a child being held protectively by a parent, it's weird to compare this to that but it's the thing that's closest to the feeling you have.

Your body feels heavy and your head feels light as you start drift off again, melting into Shota as the sound of him breathing lulls you to sleep. You fight to keep your eyes open but to no avail, you feel your heartbeat slow as you slip into unconsciousness.

You flinch as you hear a phone ring somewhere in the room.

It's probably Shotas phone, which means it's probably on the floor in the pocket of his pants.

You hear a low groan from the man next to you as he pulls you closer into his chest and places his large hand over your ear. Probably in an attempt to stop the incessant ringing from waking you. Even though your already awake, he probably doesn't know that.

The ringing stops and your hear Shota sigh softly before taking his hand off your ear and resting it back on your head. Moving his body so he's closer to you, if that's even possible.
You feel Shota place a kiss on the top of your head before burying his face in your hair again. His breathing starts to become more relaxed and his body seems to melt as he starts to fall back asleep.

Shota closes his eyes as thoughts creep into his previously empty mind. He hasn't slept that good in ages and he wishes he could claim it was the alcohol, but he knows it's not. He's always thought he'd sleep better with you in his arms and now that's been proven true. When he woke up with you still in his arm he felt like crying, he's not emotional at all but to have something he's thought about for so long. It did something to him. He figured you'd leave before he got up, or you'd wake up and go to the couch or something. But you stayed...And it did something to him. This felt so right to him, he'd give anything to stay like this forever. He placed another kiss on your head and hushed his thoughts. Allowing himself to fall back asleep.

The phone rang again and Shota covered your ears and groaned in annoyance. You let out an aggravated noise and sent out a feather to pick up the phone, holding it in front of Shota as you clung to him.

He grabbed the phone out of the air and answered it "Hello" His voice was deeper then usual and his tone was laced with annoyance.

"Do you know where Dove is? I've been calling her all morning and she hasn't answered" The person over the phone said. It was Keigo "I even stopped by her apartment but she want there"

"She's safe. And how'd you even get in her house?" Shota questioned with a groggy voice.

"So you know she's not home. Where is she then?" Keigo questioned

Shota looked down at you, unsure if he should tell Keigo that you where with him.

You looked up at him and smiled softly "you can tell him I'm with you if you want" you whispered. Shotas lips curled up into a smile despite his internal protests and you nuzzled into his chest.

"She's with me, and she's safe" Shota said in his usual annoyed tone. His hand stroked your head softly and you hummed quietly.

"Can I talk to her?" Keigo Questioned. Shota held the phone towards you but you shook your head.

"Later" you mumbled

"She said she'll talk to you later" Shota said

"Fine, but she better call me soon" Keigo said "thanks for letting me know she's safe Aizawa"

"No problem" Shota said

"Cya" Keigo chipped

"Goodbye" Shota said blankly before hanging up and putting the phone in the dresser behind him.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get it to not wake you up" Shota said softly as he laid back down, wrapping his arm around you.

"It's okay, I was bound to wake up soon anyway" you mumbled into his chest.

"You think your close enough Kitty?" Shota questioned with a small laugh.

"Maybe" you said, smiling against his skin. You heard him chuckle as his hand began to stroke your hair.

You two sat in silence, enjoying each other's company as you both melted into each other's touch.

Your mind began drift to last night and a certain dread filled you, petrified that your thoughts where correct

"I'm sorry if you where uncomfortable with last night...or anything in the past..12 hours or so" you mumbled, feeling guilty about the things that have happened. Maybe he didn't want any of this and just didn't know how to say no. You started to feel like a massive piece of shit before his voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Y/-.." he paused

"You can use my name..it's okay" you said softly

"Y/n, I'm not uncomfortable with anything that has happened. I don't regret a single thing and I'd do it again if given the chance." He said softly as he placed a soft kiss on your head. You buried yourself in his chest as relief washed over you.

If he was being completely honest, he's been thinking about those kind of things since the day he met you. He'd think of waking up with you in his arms constantly, how good you'd feel in his arms, placing soft kisses on your head as he held you. He's also thought of last night, he'd imagined what you'd feel like around his cock, how you'd moan his name... What he hadn't imagined was you telling him your name. To his knowledge barley anyone knew it, and now he knew it. You trusted him enough to tell him your actual name. His chest swelled and he looked down at you, your face still buried in his chest.

Such a sweet girl.

Authors note- Short but sweet. I only wrote this so I could write about being held by Shota.

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