32- Fine

391 17 2

Authors note- Holy shit ily all sm, thank you for 4k. I'm genuinely so happy. This fic is growing so much and I cannot express how cool that is to me.

"So, how do you feel?" You question, your eyes locked with that battered, and bruised man before you.

"Like death" He replies gruffly

"That's exactly why I should go get the nurse" You say.

"No. I don't want to deal with them yet" He replies


"Y/n enough. I said no" He cuts you off, his voice stern and commanding.

Stubborn bitch

There's a silence that follows, the two of you looking over every inch of each other, eyes filling with worry when they come across particularly bad injuries.

"What happened to your wings?" He questions

Your feel a chill creep down your spine as you remember the feeling of that creature's foot on your back, the feeling of your wing's getting ripped out of your body, the throbbing pain that still hasn't gone away.

"That bird monster got to me. It's nothing to worry about though, they'll grow back soon" you say, a smile on your face when you say the last part.

He hums in response, his head hangs low as he stares at his lap with a piercing glare, he's looking at his lap like it owes him money, or like it has the answer to his current internal dilemma but it refuses to tell him. You watch with worried eyes as he fights whatever problem he's facing, his stoic expression is cracked with traces of anger.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help" He says, finally looking up at you, his eyes still holding the same anger, but beneath that, an unmistakable look of guilt seeps through.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, there was absolutely nothing you could have done" You say, your eyes softening as you look at him.

"I was awake Y/n...there had to have been something I could have done" He replies.

At the mention of him being awake your pathetic confession creeps into your mind, the scene replaying in sickening detail.

"I'll fucking kill you" You spit as you stare up at him

"That's funny coming from someone who's about to die" He says as he takes the final step towards you and Shota, he looms over both of you with a sick grin that's visible even from behind the hand covering his face.

You lower your head onto Shota, making sure you don't hurt him anymore then you already have. "I love you so much Sho" You whisper softly to the man below you, burying your face into him in defeat.

He couldn't have heard me say that right? He had to have been out by then. Please don't tell me he heard that, I don't even know why I said it, I couldn't have meant it, it's to early for me to even slightly like him, let alone love him.

"Y/n, you alright?" You hear Aizawa say from beside you, his gravely voice pulling you from your thoughts.

"Yeah I'm alright" you say.

"Alright. While we're on the topic of me being awake. I heard you yelling at my students. I understand that they're a pain in the ass but that still doesn't give you the right to scream at them like that. Your a grown woman and a top pro hero, who, may I add, works under the hero commission. I would expect that you, of all people, would have a little more restraint" He says. He doesn't seem livid but he doesn't seem pleased with you telling his students to 'Get the fuck out of here'.

"I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at them like that, but they wouldn't listen and I needed to make it clear to them that they couldn't be there" You say, remorse flooding your voice even though you don't actually feel that bad. Sure, you probably should have been a little nicer, but they also could have died if they stayed any longer so you think your actions where justified.

"It's good to know you realized that was an irrational choice" He says, his voice no longer holding any of the dissatisfaction from before.

You smile softly at him and you see the corners of his mouth turn up slightly, so you take that as a sign that he's not all that mad at you.

"What injuries are the worst for you?" You ask.

"My entire head is throbbing, and my upper body and legs feel like shit" He says

"Damn, that thing ripped you a new asshole" You deadpan. A soft laugh escapes your crippled companion and it's like an instant hit of serotonin. Seeing even the slightest bit of happiness from him right now feels like a breath of fresh air.

"That's one way of putting it" he replies, a small smile is noticeable in his voice.

A knock is heard from the door and a nurse pokes her head in "Hi, I'm sorry but I need to check-" She pause when she sees him "oh, your awake" she says as she steps in the room "How long have you been up?" The nurse questions sweetly

"Not long" He replies shortly

"How are you feeling?" She asks as she grabs the chart from the edge foot of the bed

"Fine" he says.

The nurse hums in response. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave so me and the doctor can do a thorough exam" She says to you "You can come back later though"

"Oh, it's alright" you say to the brunette nurse. You stand up and look down at Aizawa "Cya Sho" you say before making your way towards the door.


Authors note- As always I didn't proofread, but I did write this all in one sitting so that's something.

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