11- car ride

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Me and keigo walked through the parking garage as we tried to find where he parked. He isn't used to driving places and when he does he always forgets where he parks. I swear he's slow.

"How do you mange to your lose your fucking car kei" I groan

"Shut up" he snaps. I let out a small laugh and continue to search for his car.

"You need to start leaving feathers in your car or something" I say as I scan the lot for his car

"I'll never remember to do that" he whines

"Then i don't know what to tell you man" I say

"You don't even have a car. If you had one you'd understand my issue" he says

"I'm not as dumb as you, I'd remember where I left it"

"Bullshit. Your just as stupid as me" he says

"I'm definitely not" I say quickly

"Go buy a car and then will see" he says as we walk through the lot.

"Fine, I'll buy a car at some point this week" I say as I spot his car.

"What kinda car are you gonna get?" He questions as his eyes fall on his on his red Audi A7.

"Found your car. And I don't know, I've never really looked into any cars" I say as I walk over towards the passenger side

"Do you have a license?" He questions as he opens the driver side door.

"Yeah, the commission had me get it a while back" I say as I slide into the passenger seat.

He starts up the car and slowly pulls out of the spot. Keigo is a HORRIBLE driver and I seriously wonder how he hasn't gotten his license suspended.

"Please don't get us killed" I say as he navigates his way out of the parking garage.

"Hush, I need to concentrate" he says, his tongue sticking out slightly as he stares at what's ahead of him intently. I let out a small laugh as I look at him. He acts like a child. Even though he never really got to be a kid.

Keigos phone rings in his pocket and his eyes glance down quickly before he looks up again. "Can you get that please" he says. I reach in his pocket and grab the phone.

Eraser man
"It's shota" I say softly

"Answer it" he says. I answer the phone and open my mouth to speak.

"HAWKS" a deep voice shouts, making me flinch "Tell me why I come back into her room to have the doctors tell me she was discharged!!"

"Do you start all your calls by shouting?" I question as I bite back a laugh.

"Dove?" He questions "why are you out of the hospital" he says angrily "are you insane, you just got stabbed. You need to stay there"

"I'm okay Shota, I promise" I say softly

"No your not. You've got a hole in your stomach, your clearly not okay" he says, his voice softening as he speaks.

"I'm okay. It doesn't even hurt"

"I don't believe you but okay. Your not going on patrol though" he says sternly

"Shota, I don't have a choice" I say

"The commission will understand" he says

"They won't, I'm sorry" I say quietly.

Why am I apologizing? I thought I was over apologizing for everything.

"I'll make them understand then" he says, anger building in his voice.


"Hush, I'll take care of it. You need to rest" he says in a soft but stern voice.

"You really don't need to" I say quietly

"I said I'd take care of it and I will. End of discussion" he says "have hawks give you my number so you can call me if you need anything"


"Alright, bye birdie" he says calmly

"Cya" I say before the line cuts.

"How'd you get his number. I don't even have it and I work with him daily" I say as I look at keigo.

"He refused to leave your hospital room out of fear that something would happen while he was gone. So I gave him my number so I could call him if something happened" keigo says as he drives down the busy streets. "also, get his number from my phone before you forget"

I open my phone and make a new contact


I give keigo his phone back and he puts it in his pocket.

"Is he really gonna say something to the commission?" Keigo questions

"Maybe" I answer quietly

"He clearly doesn't know what he's doing" keigo says, annoyance seeping into his words.

"He'll learn" I say

Keigo Hums in response and pulls into the parking lot for my apartment.

"Take care of yourself Y/n. And next time I see you I expect you to have a car" he keigo says with a lazy smile.

"I'll make sure my cars better then yours" I say as I get out and shut the door. Keigo speeds off and almost gets into an accident as he pulls out of the parking lot.

Fuckin idiot

I make my way through the lobby and into the elevator. I press the button for the top floor and wait as the elevator goes up floor by floor.

Oh god, no one's taken care of fynn. Holy shit.

I race down the hallway the second the elevator doors open and quickly unlock my door. Fynn is fast asleep on the couch. I look over to his bowls and they are both full. There's a note on the cabinet next to them. I walk over and pick it up.

I stopped by here and took care of him, sorry if that was invasive. I just figured you'd want someone to take care of him.


My eyes soften as I read the note. I hear fynn meow from behind me and I turn my head towards him. He stretches his back and jumps off the couch, his little feet quickly making their way towards me.

"Hi" I coo softly. He purrs loudly as he rubs up against my legs. I reach down and pet him and he looks up at me with soft eyes. "I'm sorry I was gone" I say. He nips at my leg in response and walks back over to the couch. I sigh and walk towards the bathroom.

I desperately need a shower. And maybe some food.

Authors note- This chapter hopefully made a little bit of sense. I'm also realizing that for this being a Shota x reader fic they don't interact much. That'll change soon(:

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