28- Hate

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You had been awake for about a day now and the doctors had checked you out and explained all your injuries in detail. It was pretty much what you thought it was, fucked up ribs, blood loss and of course, missing wings. That was your least favorite part, you felt awkward and not at all yourself without them but they would grow back. And besides, your wings where the least of your worries.

The thing you where the most concerned about was Shota, he consumed your every waking thought but you where yet to ask about him or ask to see him out of fear for offending Keigo.

The fact that you where scared of making Keigo mad was completely irrational because you knew he wouldn't get upset, he'd probably understand. But what if it was to soon to ask about Shota and Keigo thought he was second best to Aizawa or something. What if Keigo took your concern for Shota and saw it as you not caring about Keigo or what he's been through while you where out, what if he feels unimportant.

Now you know damn well he won't think that. You've known this man almost your entire life and he's never once took something the wrong way, he'll understand.

"Hey birdie" A voice chirps from the doorway. You look over and are greeted with the same smile that has comforted you for years.

"Hey kei" You say with a small smile

"How are you feeling" He asks as he walks over to you, placing a drink in your hands.

"Good, and did you really get me boba?" you ask with a big smile.

"Yep, I figured it would make you feel a little better" He says with a smile, his golden eyes looking down at you as you take a big sip of your drink.

"Thank you so much Keigo" You chirp before taking another sip of your drink.

Keigo walks around to the other side of your bed and sits on the chair next to it with a soft sigh, he looks at you lovingly as you enjoy your drink, oblivious to the eyes of the man sitting next to you who thinks of you as all that matters. Your all that's ever mattered to him, and your all that will ever matter to him.

"You ight Keigo?" You question when you finally realize he's starring at you.

"Hm?...oh yeah, I'm fine" He says with his usual smile.

"Your lying  to me but okay. I won't bug you about it for now, but I'll ask  again later" You say before taking another sip of your drink.

I'm sorry Y/n, I wish I could tell you what's wrong with me because I know you could fix it. But if I'm being honest, I don't know exactly what my problem it. Keigo thinks to himself as he watches you down the boba he got you.

He hates his own mind currently, well he always does but this is a special case. He's always been able to decipher his own emotions, even if he couldn't fully grasp why they could be so intense or why he had to feel them in the first place he was always able to understand the cause of each emotion and why he felt the way he did. And on the rare occasion he couldn't figure it out he'd go to you and you'd figure it out for him, but this time was different, this time he couldn't make sense of any of it.

He felt so many things he didn't understand, and he hated it, he hated himself for it, he hated that stupid villain and the humanoid creature who put you in this hospital bed. He really fucking hated that villain, he wanted to kill him, no. He will kill him. Just thinking about that piece of shit made him want to scream. He hated this damn hospital, he hated how overly sensitive his wings where right now because all the noise they picked up was so overwhelming. He hated everything about this, he couldn't stand it, but he couldn't fix this, because he didn't know how, and he didn't wanna ask you because you already have enough going on.

Shut up and suck it up. He scolded himself mentally.

"Your gonna get a stomach ache" He says with a small chuckle.

"It's worth it" You say as you take the last sip of your drink. Keigo laughs at your childish display.

"If you wanna see Shota your gonna have to not be in excruciating pain. It's already gonna be hell to walk, and I don't think having a jacked up stomach is gonna help your case" He says

His heart aches when he sees the way your eyes light up at the mention of seeing Shota. He wonders if you would get this excited over him.

"He's alive" You question in disbelief.

Holy shit...He's alive, SHOTAS ALIVE. You think to yourself

"Yep. And I was planning on taking you to him after you finished your drink" Keigo says with a small smile.

"I'm done with my drink already, so can we go see him please" You ask with a smile, your eyes lighting up as you talk about seeing him.

"We can go see him" Keigo says as he stands up.

Authors note- Another super short chapter. I literally have zero motivation and I'm not doing well mentally but Im really trying to write stuff because it helps me "deal" with shit. Im hoping that I can get back to longer chapters and more consistent uploads but I can't promise anything.

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