5- show off

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I stepped out of the office and quickly made my way to the tall man walking down the hallway. He seemed to have lost any anger he had from the previous conversation.

How did he go from wanting strangle the president to waking down the hallway with his hands in his pockets acting like nothing happened.

He reached the elevator and pushed the button, no words leaving his mouth as we waited.

Should I say something? He doesn't seem like he wants to talk but I need to know what he does on his patrol so I can actually help him. Should I wait for a little before I ask or should I just get it over with?

The elevator dinged and we stepped inside. He pushed the button on the inside of the elevator and the doors closed.

"So what exactly do you do on patrol. Do you take specific routes or something" I questioned

"I don't take specific routes" he stated while checking his phone.

I hummed in response. There was silence in the elevator, It wasn't comfortable but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"So what did you do to have the president assign you a partner?" He questioned as he looked at me.

"My phone kept dying in the middle of patrol so I would take a break to charge it. I always made up for the lost time though."

"That's it?" He questioned with raised eyebrows

"Yeah" I said with a small smile

"The presidents harsh. I figured you skipped patrol or did something really bad" he said as his face returned to its normal tired expression.

"Nope. she's just a bitch" I said with an over exaggerated scowl.

This earned a small laugh from the man beside me.

His laugh is sweet.  

The elevator dinged and we both stepped out into the lobby and made are way to the door.

"Have a good night Dove" the receptionist said sweetly.

"You to" I said with a smile.

We walked out of the building and stepped into the cold night. The streets where illuminated by the bright lights coming from the surrounding buildings.

The city is so pretty at night. It's looks much better from the sky but this is still cool.

"My patrol area is a little ways away, so I figured we could walk to my area and fight any villains we find on our way there" Aizawa stated as he looked at me.

"I could just fly us there and have my feathers take care of any villains" I said with a small smile

"You can do that?" He questioned

"Yep. I could cover your entire patrol area with just my feathers. In all honesty we could sit on top of a building all night and still capture just as many villains as you normally would" I exclaimed with a smile.

"I don't believe you" he said crossing his arms.

"I can prove it to you if you want" I said narrowing my eyes little

"Okay. Fly us up to a building" he said

I didn't even respond before I picked him up and took off into the air.

"WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed as he held onto my arms with a death grip.

"You said to fly us up to a building" I said with a laugh.

"I figured you would give me a warning. And this cannot be a safe way to hold me." He said wearily, his grip on my arms never faltering

I had him by the underside of his arms. He is right. This is a horrible way to hold him

I put my legs under him, forming a makeshift human chair as I shifted my arms around and picked him up bridle style.

"Is that better?" I asked happily

"Not really"

"I can let go if you want" I said looking down at him.

"Shut up and keep flying" he muttered as he gripped onto my shirt a little.

Poor guys probably scared shitless. I'm sure flying for the first time is horrifying to most people.

I tightened my grip a little to try to ease his fear as we flew through the sky.

"Almost there" I said calmly as I looked around for a good building to land on.

"How do you know where your going when you fly this fast?" He questioned as he buried his face in my shirt.

"Because I've been doing this for years. I think your forgetting that I'm a pro hero" I chuckled as  I flew up to the tallest building in the area.

I landed and placed Aizawa on the ground. His legs wobbled as he tried to stand up straight.

"Never again" he spat. Still trying to stand up straight.

"The first times always hard. You'll get used to it" I said with a small smile.

He shot me a glare.

"So how are you going to catch villains if your up here the whole night" he said as he crossed his arms.

"These" I said as I shot feathers from my wings.

He stood there with a confused look on his face as I sent my feathers in different directions.

"Unless there's something really difficult my feathers should be able to handle everything." I said as I walked to the edge of the building.

"Is this what you do every night?" He questioned as he made his way over to me.

"No. I just wanted to show off" I said smiling at him.

"How do you turn the villains into the police if your up here?" He questioned

"I drop the villains off on the sidewalk in front of the station. And my feathers keep them from getting away" I said with a smile

"What if they break out of your feathers?" He said crossing his arms.

"That's a great question...uhhhh"

I literally never do this. If they do get out then there's not much I can do about it. This is the WORST way to catch villains and it's extremely difficult to do perfectly.

"Well?" He said with a raised eyebrow

"I never said this was fool prof. I just said it could be done" I said wearily as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Are you kidding me" he said angrily

Nope. I wish I was though because the look on your face is scary as shit.

"Fly us back to ground" he spat

"Okay" I said sheepishly as I picked him up.

I flew us back down and placed him on the sidewalk.

"Let's go" he spat as he walked down the street.

I'm sorry dude, I really didn't mean to make you mad

We walked the cold streets looking for any Trouble. He hasn't said a single thing since we got back down to the ground. And in the time we've walked I've found and captured at least 5 villains with the feathers I sent out.

"It's quiet out here tonight" he said, his voice laced with annoyance.

"My feathers are taking care of most of it" I said sheepishly.

He stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

Please don't get mad at me again. I really don't wanna deal with that.

He stared at me for a minute not saying anything as he studied me.

"Was I not supposed to do that?" I questioned as I crossed my arms.

He said nothing. He turned around and started walking again.

Aren't you a doll.

Author's note- this chapter makes zero sense and I'm well aware of that but just bare with me. I promise the next chapter will be more coherent

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